Source code for bigdl.orca.learn.openvino.estimator

# Copyright 2016 The BigDL Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import math
import os.path

from pyspark.sql import DataFrame

from import SparkXShards
from bigdl.orca.learn.spark_estimator import Estimator as SparkEstimator
from bigdl.dllib.utils.common import get_node_and_core_number
from bigdl.dllib.utils import nest
from bigdl.dllib.nncontext import init_nncontext

from openvino.inference_engine import IECore
import numpy as np
from bigdl.dllib.utils.log4Error import *

[docs]class Estimator(object):
[docs] @staticmethod def from_openvino(*, model_path): """ Load an openVINO Estimator. :param model_path: String. The file path to the OpenVINO IR xml file. """ return OpenvinoEstimator(model_path=model_path)
[docs]class OpenvinoEstimator(SparkEstimator): def __init__(self, *, model_path): self.load(model_path)
[docs] def fit(self, data, epochs, batch_size=32, feature_cols=None, label_cols=None, validation_data=None, checkpoint_trigger=None): """ Fit is not supported in OpenVINOEstimator """ invalidInputError(False, "not implemented")
[docs] def predict(self, data, feature_cols=None, batch_size=4, input_cols=None): """ Predict input data :param batch_size: Int. Set batch Size, default is 4. :param data: data to be predicted. XShards, Spark DataFrame, numpy array and list of numpy arrays are supported. If data is XShards, each partition is a dictionary of {'x': feature}, where feature(label) is a numpy array or a list of numpy arrays. :param feature_cols: Feature column name(s) of data. Only used when data is a Spark DataFrame. Default: None. :param input_cols: Str or List of str. The model input list(order related). Users can specify the input order using the `inputs` parameter. If inputs=None, The default OpenVINO model input list will be used. Default: None. :return: predicted result. If the input data is XShards, the predict result is a XShards, each partition of the XShards is a dictionary of {'prediction': result}, where the result is a numpy array or a list of numpy arrays. If the input data is numpy arrays or list of numpy arrays, the predict result is a numpy array or a list of numpy arrays. """ sc = init_nncontext() model_bytes_broadcast = sc.broadcast(self.model_bytes) weight_bytes_broadcast = sc.broadcast(self.weight_bytes) if input_cols: if not isinstance(input_cols, list): input_cols = [input_cols] invalidInputError(set(input_cols) == set(self.inputs), "The inputs names need to match the model inputs, the model inputs: " + ", ".join(self.inputs)) else: input_cols = self.inputs outputs = list(self.output_dict.keys()) invalidInputError(len(outputs) != 0, "The number of model outputs should not be 0.") is_df = False schema = None def partition_inference(partition): model_bytes = model_bytes_broadcast.value weight_bytes = weight_bytes_broadcast.value ie = IECore() config = {'CPU_THREADS_NUM': str(self.core_num)} ie.set_config(config, 'CPU') net = ie.read_network(model=model_bytes, weights=weight_bytes, init_from_buffer=True) net.batch_size = batch_size local_model = ie.load_network(network=net, device_name="CPU", num_requests=1) infer_request = local_model.requests[0] def add_elem(d): d_len = len(d) if d_len < batch_size: rep_time = [1] * (d_len - 1) rep_time.append(batch_size - d_len + 1) return np.repeat(d, rep_time, axis=0), d_len else: return d, d_len def generate_output_row(batch_input_dict): input_dict = dict() for col, input in zip(feature_cols, input_cols): value = batch_input_dict[col] feature_type = schema_dict[col] if isinstance(feature_type, df_types.FloatType): input_dict[input], elem_num = add_elem(np.array(value).astype(np.float32)) elif isinstance(feature_type, df_types.IntegerType): input_dict[input], elem_num = add_elem(np.array(value).astype(np.int32)) elif isinstance(feature_type, df_types.StringType): input_dict[input], elem_num = add_elem(np.array(value).astype(np.str)) elif isinstance(feature_type, df_types.ArrayType): if isinstance(feature_type.elementType, df_types.StringType): input_dict[input], elem_num = add_elem(np.array(value).astype(np.str)) else: input_dict[input], elem_num = add_elem( np.array(value).astype(np.float32)) elif isinstance(value[0], DenseVector): input_dict[input], elem_num = add_elem(value.values.astype(np.float32)) infer_request.infer(input_dict) if len(outputs) == 1: pred = infer_request.output_blobs[outputs[0]].buffer[:elem_num] pred = [[np.expand_dims(output, axis=0).tolist()] for output in pred] else: pred = list(map(lambda output: infer_request.output_blobs[output].buffer[:elem_num], outputs)) pred = [list(np.expand_dims(output, axis=0).tolist() for output in single_result) for single_result in zip(*pred)] return pred if not is_df: for batch_data in partition: input_dict = dict() elem_num = 0 if isinstance(batch_data, list): for i, input in enumerate(input_cols): input_dict[input], elem_num = add_elem(batch_data[i]) else: input_dict[input_cols[0]], elem_num = add_elem(batch_data) infer_request.infer(input_dict) if len(outputs) == 1: pred = infer_request.output_blobs[outputs[0]].buffer[:elem_num] else: pred = list(map(lambda output: infer_request.output_blobs[output].buffer[:elem_num], outputs)) yield pred else: batch_dict = {col: [] for col in feature_cols} batch_row = [] cnt = 0 schema_dict = {col: schema[col].dataType for col in feature_cols} import pyspark.sql.types as df_types from import DenseVector from pyspark.sql import Row for row in partition: cnt += 1 batch_row.append(row) for col in feature_cols: batch_dict[col].append(row[col]) if cnt >= batch_size: pred = generate_output_row(batch_dict) for r, p in zip(batch_row, pred): row = Row(*([r[col] for col in r.__fields__] + p)) yield row del pred batch_dict = {col: [] for col in feature_cols} batch_row = [] cnt = 0 if cnt > 0: pred = generate_output_row(batch_dict) for r, p in zip(batch_row, pred): row = Row(*([r[col] for col in r.__fields__] + p)) yield row del pred del local_model del net def predict_transform(dict_data, batch_size): invalidInputError(isinstance(dict_data, dict), "each shard should be an dict") invalidInputError("x" in dict_data, "key x should in each shard") feature_data = dict_data["x"] if isinstance(feature_data, np.ndarray): invalidInputError(feature_data.shape[0] <= batch_size, "The batch size of input data (the second dim) should be less" " than the model batch size, otherwise some inputs will" " be ignored.") elif isinstance(feature_data, list): for elem in feature_data: invalidInputError(isinstance(elem, np.ndarray), "Each element in the x list should be a ndarray," " but get " + elem.__class__.__name__) invalidInputError(elem.shape[0] <= batch_size, "The batch size of each input data (the second dim) should" " be less than the model batch size, otherwise some inputs" " will be ignored.") else: invalidInputError(False, "x in each shard should be a ndarray or a list of ndarray.") return feature_data if isinstance(data, DataFrame): from pyspark.sql.types import StructType, StructField, FloatType, ArrayType is_df = True schema = data.schema result = data.rdd.mapPartitions(lambda iter: partition_inference(iter)) # Deal with types result_struct = [] for key, shape in self.output_dict.items(): struct_type = FloatType() for _ in range(len(shape)): struct_type = ArrayType(struct_type) result_struct.append(StructField(key, struct_type)) schema = StructType(schema.fields + result_struct) result_df = result.toDF(schema) return result_df elif isinstance(data, SparkXShards): transformed_data = data.transform_shard(predict_transform, batch_size) result_rdd = transformed_data.rdd.mapPartitions(lambda iter: partition_inference(iter)) def update_result_shard(data): shard, y = data shard["prediction"] = y return shard return SparkXShards(result_rdd) elif isinstance(data, (np.ndarray, list)): if isinstance(data, np.ndarray): split_num = math.ceil(len(data)/batch_size) arrays = np.array_split(data, split_num) num_slices = min(split_num, self.node_num) data_rdd = sc.parallelize(arrays, numSlices=num_slices) elif isinstance(data, list): flattened = nest.flatten(data) data_length = len(flattened[0]) data_to_be_rdd = [] split_num = math.ceil(flattened[0].shape[0]/batch_size) num_slices = min(split_num, self.node_num) for i in range(split_num): data_to_be_rdd.append([]) for x in flattened: invalidInputError(isinstance(x, np.ndarray), "the data in the data list should be ndarrays," " but get " + x.__class__.__name__) invalidInputError(len(x) == data_length, "the ndarrays in data must all have the same" " size in first dimension, got first ndarray" " of size {} and another {}".format(data_length, len(x))) x_parts = np.array_split(x, split_num) for idx, x_part in enumerate(x_parts): data_to_be_rdd[idx].append(x_part) data_to_be_rdd = [nest.pack_sequence_as(data, shard) for shard in data_to_be_rdd] data_rdd = sc.parallelize(data_to_be_rdd, numSlices=num_slices) print("Partition number: ", data_rdd.getNumPartitions()) result_rdd = data_rdd.mapPartitions(lambda iter: partition_inference(iter)) result_arr_list = result_rdd.collect() result_arr = None if isinstance(result_arr_list[0], list): result_arr = [np.concatenate([r[i] for r in result_arr_list], axis=0) for i in range(len(result_arr_list[0]))] elif isinstance(result_arr_list[0], np.ndarray): result_arr = np.concatenate(result_arr_list, axis=0) return result_arr else: invalidInputError(False, "Only XShards, Spark DataFrame, a numpy array and a list of numpy" " arrays are supported as input data, but" " get " + data.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def evaluate(self, data, batch_size=32, feature_cols=None, label_cols=None): """ Evaluate is not supported in OpenVINOEstimator """ invalidInputError(False, "not implemented")
[docs] def get_model(self): """ Get_model is not supported in OpenVINOEstimator """ invalidInputError(False, "not implemented")
[docs] def save(self, model_path): """ Save is not supported in OpenVINOEstimator """ invalidInputError(False, "not implemented")
[docs] def load(self, model_path): """ Load an openVINO model. :param model_path: String. The file path to the OpenVINO IR xml file. :return: """ self.node_num, self.core_num = get_node_and_core_number() invalidInputError(isinstance(model_path, str), "The model_path should be string.") invalidInputError(os.path.exists(model_path), "The model_path should be exist.") with open(model_path, 'rb') as file: self.model_bytes = with open(model_path[:model_path.rindex(".")] + ".bin", 'rb') as file: self.weight_bytes = ie = IECore() config = {'CPU_THREADS_NUM': str(self.core_num)} ie.set_config(config, 'CPU') net = ie.read_network(model=self.model_bytes, weights=self.weight_bytes, init_from_buffer=True) self.inputs = list(net.input_info.keys()) self.output_dict = {k: v.shape for k, v in net.outputs.items()}
[docs] def set_tensorboard(self, log_dir, app_name): """ Set_tensorboard is not supported in OpenVINOEstimator """ invalidInputError(False, "not implemented")
[docs] def clear_gradient_clipping(self): """ Clear_gradient_clipping is not supported in OpenVINOEstimator """ invalidInputError(False, "not implemented")
[docs] def set_constant_gradient_clipping(self, min, max): """ Set_constant_gradient_clipping is not supported in OpenVINOEstimator """ invalidInputError(False, "not implemented")
[docs] def set_l2_norm_gradient_clipping(self, clip_norm): """ Set_l2_norm_gradient_clipping is not supported in OpenVINOEstimator """ invalidInputError(False, "not implemented")
[docs] def get_train_summary(self, tag=None): """ Get_train_summary is not supported in OpenVINOEstimator """ invalidInputError(False, "not implemented")
[docs] def get_validation_summary(self, tag=None): """ Get_validation_summary is not supported in OpenVINOEstimator """ invalidInputError(False, "not implemented")
[docs] def load_orca_checkpoint(self, path, version): """ Load_orca_checkpoint is not supported in OpenVINOEstimator """ invalidInputError(False, "not implemented")