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from bigdl.chronos.model.tf2.MTNet_keras import MTNetKeras as MTNetKerasModel
from bigdl.chronos.forecaster.abstract import Forecaster
from bigdl.chronos.metric.forecast_metrics import Evaluator

[docs]class MTNetForecaster(Forecaster): """ Example: >>> #The dataset is split into x_train, x_val, x_test, y_train, y_val, y_test >>> model = MTNetForecaster(target_dim=1, feature_dim=x_train.shape[-1], long_series_num=6, series_length=2 ) >>>, y_train), validation_data=(x_val, y_val), epochs=2, batch_size=32) >>> model.predict(x_test, batch_size=batch_size) """ def __init__(self, target_dim=1, feature_dim=1, long_series_num=1, series_length=1, ar_window_size=1, cnn_height=1, cnn_hid_size=32, rnn_hid_sizes=[16, 32], lr=0.001, loss="mae", cnn_dropout=0.2, rnn_dropout=0.2, metric="mean_squared_error", uncertainty: bool = False, ): """ Build a MTNet Forecast Model. :param target_dim: the dimension of model output :param feature_dim: the dimension of input feature :param long_series_num: the number of series for the long-term memory series :param series_length: the series size for long-term and short-term memory series :param ar_window_size: the auto regression window size in MTNet :param cnn_hid_size: the hidden layer unit for cnn in encoder :param rnn_hid_sizes: the hidden layers unit for rnn in encoder :param cnn_height: cnn filter height in MTNet :param metric: the metric for validation and evaluation :param uncertainty: whether to enable calculation of uncertainty :param lr: learning rate :param loss: the target function you want to optimize on :param cnn_dropout: the dropout possibility for cnn in encoder :param rnn_dropout: the dropout possibility for rnn in encoder """ self.check_optional_config = False = uncertainty self.model_config = { "feature_num": feature_dim, "output_dim": target_dim, "metrics": [metric], "mc": uncertainty, "time_step": series_length, "long_num": long_series_num, "ar_window": ar_window_size, "cnn_height": cnn_height, "past_seq_len": (long_series_num + 1) * series_length, "cnn_hid_size": cnn_hid_size, "rnn_hid_sizes": rnn_hid_sizes, "lr": lr, "cnn_dropout": cnn_dropout, "rnn_dropout": rnn_dropout, "loss": loss } super().__init__() self._fitted = False self.internal = MTNetKerasModel(check_optional_config=self.check_optional_config)
[docs] def fit(self, data, epochs=2, batch_size=32, validation_data=None): """ :param data: The data support following formats: | 1. a numpy ndarray tuple (x, y): | x's shape is (num_samples, (long_series_num+1)*series_length, feature_dim) | y's shape is (num_samples, target_dim) :param epochs: Number of epochs you want to train. The value defaults to 2. :param batch_size: Number of batch size you want to train. The value defaults to 32. :param validation_data: Data on which to evaluate the loss and any model metrics at the end of each epoch. The model will not be trained on this data. """ self.model_config.update({'batch_size': batch_size}) self.internal.fit_eval(data, validation_data=validation_data, epochs=epochs, verbose=1, **self.model_config) self._fitted = True
[docs] def predict(self, data, batch_size=32): """ :param data: The data support following formats: | 1. data's shape is (num_samples, (long_series_num+1)*series_length, feature_dim) :param batch_size: predict batch size. The value will not affect evaluate result but will affect resources cost(e.g. memory and time). :return: A numpy.ndarray with shape of (num_samples, feature_dum). """ from bigdl.nano.utils.log4Error import invalidInputError if not self._fitted: invalidInputError(False, "You must call fit or restore first before calling predict!") yhat = self.internal.predict(data, batch_size=batch_size) return yhat
[docs] def evaluate(self, data, metric=["mae"], batch_size=32, multioutput='raw_values'): """ :param data: The data support following formats: | 1. a numpy ndarray tuple (x, y): | x's shape is (num_samples, (long_series_num+1)*series_length, feature_dim) | y's shape is (num_samples, target_dim) :param metric: metric is the evaluation metric name to optimize, e.g. ["mae"]. :param batch_size: evaluate batch size. The value will not affect evaluate result but will affect resources cost(e.g. memory and time). :param multioutput: Defines aggregating of multiple output values. String in ['raw_values', 'uniform_average']. The value defaults to 'raw_values'. :return: A list of evaluation results. Calculation results for each metrics. """ from bigdl.nano.utils.log4Error import invalidInputError if not self._fitted: invalidInputError(False, "You must call fit or restore first before calling evaluate!") yhat = self.internal.predict(data[0], batch_size=batch_size) return [Evaluator.evaluate(m, y_true=data[1], y_pred=yhat, aggregate=multioutput) for m in metric]
[docs] def save(self, checkpoint_file): """ Save the forecaster. :param checkpoint_file: The location you want to save the forecaster. """ from bigdl.nano.utils.log4Error import invalidInputError if not self.fitted: invalidInputError(False, "You must call fit or restore first before calling save!")
[docs] def load(self, checkpoint_file): """ Load the forecaster. :param checkpoint_file: The checkpoint file location you want to load the forecaster. """ self.internal.restore(checkpoint_file=checkpoint_file, **self.model_config)