Cluster Serving FAQ#
General Debug Guide#
You could use following guide to debug if serving is not working properly.
Check if Cluster Serving environment is ready#
Run following commands in terminal
the output directory
should be displayed, otherwise, go to Programming Guide Installation section.
Check if Flink Cluster is working#
Run following commands in terminal
netstat -tnlp
output like following should be displayed, 6123,8081
is Flink default port usage.
tcp6 0 0 :::6123 :::* LISTEN xxxxx/java
tcp6 0 0 :::8081 :::* LISTEN xxxxx/java
if not, run $FLINK_HOME/bin/
to start Flink cluster.
After that, check Flink log in $FLINK_HOME/log/
, check the log file of flink-xxx-standalone-xxx.log
and flink-xxx-taskexecutor-xxx.log
to make sure there is no error.
If the port could not bind in this step, kill the program which use the port, and $FLINK_HOME/bin/ && $FLINK_HOME/bin/
to restart Flink cluster.
Check if Cluster Serving is running#
$FLINK_HOME/bin/flink list
output of Cluster Serving job information should be displayed, if not, go to Programming Guide Launching Service section to make sure you call cluster-serving-start
Duplicate registration of device factory for type XLA_CPU with the same priority 50
This error is caused by Flink ClassLoader. Please put cluster serving related jars into
.servable Manager config dir not exist
Check if
exists in current directory. If not, download from github.
Still, I get no result#
If you still get empty result, raise issue here and post the output/log of your serving job.