Contribute to Cluster Serving#
This is the guide to contribute your code to Cluster Serving.
Cluster Serving takes advantage of BigDL core with integration of Deep Learning Frameworks, e.g. Tensorflow, OpenVINO, PyTorch, and implements the inference logic on top of it, and parallelize the computation with Flink and Redis by default. To contribute more features to Cluster Serving, you could refer to following sections accordingly.
Dev Environment#
Get Code and Prepare Branch#
Go to BigDL main repo, press Fork to your github repo, and git clone the forked repo to local. Use git checkout -b your_branch_name
to create a new branch, and you could start to write code and pull request to BigDL from this branch.
Environment Set up#
You could refer to BigDL Scala Developer Guide to set up develop environment. Cluster Serving is an BigDL Scala module.
Debug in IDE#
Cluster Serving depends on Flink and Redis. To install Redis and start Redis server,
$ export REDIS_VERSION=5.0.5
$ wget${REDIS_VERSION}.tar.gz && \
tar xzf redis-${REDIS_VERSION}.tar.gz && \
rm redis-${REDIS_VERSION}.tar.gz && \
cd redis-${REDIS_VERSION} && \
$ ./src/redis-server
in IDE, embedded Flink would be used so that no dependency is needed.
Once set up, you could copy the /path/to/bigdl/scripts/cluster-serving/config.yaml
to /path/to/bigdl/config.yaml
, and run scala/serving/src/main/com/intel/analytics/bigdl/serving/ClusterServing.scala
in IDE. Since IDE consider /path/to/bigdl/
as the current directory, it would read the config file in it.
Run scala/serving/src/main/com/intel/analytics/bigdl/serving/http/Frontend2.scala
if you use HTTP frontend.
Once started, you could run python client code to finish an end-to-end test just as you run Cluster Serving in Programming Guide.
Test Package#
Once you write the code and complete the test in IDE, you can package the jar and test.
To package,
cd /path/to/bigdl/scala
Then, in target
folder, copy bigdl-xxx-flink-udf.jar
to your test directory, and rename it as bigdl.jar
, and also copy the config.yaml
to your test directory.
You could copy /path/to/bigdl/scripts/cluster-serving/cluster-serving-start
to start Cluster Serving, this scripts will start Redis server for you and submit Flink job. If you prefer not to control Redis, you could use the command in it ${FLINK_HOME}/bin/flink run -c bigdl.jar
to start Cluster Serving.
To run frontend, call java -cp bigdl.jar
The rest are the same with test in IDE.
Add Features#
Data Connector#
Data connector is the producer of Cluster Serving. The remote clients put data into data pipeline
Scala code (The Server)#
To define a new data connector to, e.g. Kafka, Redis, or other database, you have to define a Flink Source first.
You could refer to com/intel/analytics/bigdl/serving/engine/FlinkRedisSource.scala
as an example.
class FlinkRedisSource(params: ClusterServingHelper)
extends RichParallelSourceFunction[List[(String, String)]] {
@volatile var isRunning = true
override def open(parameters: Configuration): Unit = {
// initlalize the connector
override def run(sourceContext: SourceFunction
.SourceContext[List[(String, String)]]): Unit = while (isRunning) {
// get data from data pipeline
override def cancel(): Unit = {
// close the connector
Then you could refer to com/intel/analytics/bigdl/serving/engine/FlinkInference.scala
as the inference method to your new connector. Usually it could be directly used without new implementation. However, you could still define your new method if you need.
Finally, you have to define a Flink Sink, to write data back to data pipeline.
You could refer to com/intel/analytics/bigdl/serving/engine/FlinkRedisSink.scala
as an example.
class FlinkRedisSink(params: ClusterServingHelper)
extends RichSinkFunction[List[(String, String)]] {
override def open(parameters: Configuration): Unit = {
// initialize the connector
override def close(): Unit = {
// close the connector
override def invoke(value: List[(String, String)], context: SinkFunction.Context[_]): Unit = {
// write data to data pipeline
Please note that normally you should do the space (memory or disk) control of your data pipeline in your code.
Please locate Flink Source and Flink Sink code to com/intel/analytics/bigdl/serving/engine/
If you have some method which need to be wrapped as a class, you could locate them in com/intel/analytics/bigdl/serving/pipeline/
Python Code (The Client)#
You could refer to python/serving/src/bigdl/serving/
to define your client code according to your data connector.
Please locate this part of code in python/serving/src/bigdl/serving/data_pipeline_name/
, e.g. python/serving/src/bigdl/serving/kafka/
if you create a Kafka connector.
put to data pipeline#
It is recommended to refer to InputQueue.enqueue()
and InputQueue.predict()
method. This method calls self.data_to_b64
method first and add data to data pipeline. You could define a similar enqueue method to work with your data connector.
get from data pipeline#
It is recommended to refer to OutputQueue.query()
and OutputQueue.dequeue()
method. This method gets result from data pipeline and calls self.get_ndarray_from_b64
method to decode. You could define a similar dequeue method to work with your data connector.
Benchmark Test#
You could use scala/serving/src/main/com/intel/analytics/BIGDL/serving/engine/Operations.scala
to test the inference time of your model.
The script takes two arguments, run it with -m modelPath
and -j jsonPath
to indicate the path to the model and the path to the prepared json format operation template of the model.
The model will output the inference time stats of preprocessing, prediction and postprocessing processes, which varies with the different preprocessing/postprocessing time and thread numbers.