
BigDL-Chronos (Chronos for short) is an application framework for building a fast, accurate and scalable time series analysis application.

You can use Chronos for:

Forcasting example diagram

Forecasting: Predict future using history data.

Anomaly Detection example diagram

Anomaly Detection: Discover unexpected items in data.

Simulation example diagram

Simulation: Generate similar data as history data.

Get Started

You may understand the basic usage of Chronos’ components and learn to write the first runnable application in this quick tour page.

Key Features Guide

Our user guides provide you with in-depth information, concepts and knowledges about Chronos.

How-to-Guide / Tutorials

If you are meeting with some specific problems during the usage, how-to guides are good place to be checked. Examples provides short, high quality use case that users can emulated in their own works.

API Document

API Document provides you with a detailed description of the Chronos APIs.