Use Spark DataFrames for Deep Learning#

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In this guide we will describe how to use Apache Spark Dataframes to scale-out data processing for distributed deep learning.

The dataset used in this guide is movielens-1M, which contains 1 million ratings of 5 levels from 6000 users on 4000 movies. We will read the data into Spark Dataframe and directly use the Spark Dataframe as the input to the distributed training.

1. Read input data into Spark DataFrame#

First, read the input data into Spark Dataframes.

from bigdl.orca import OrcaContext

spark = OrcaContext.get_spark_session()
# read csv with specifying column names
df =, sep=':', inferSchema=True).toDF(
  "user", "item", "label", "timestamp")

2. Process data using Spark Dataframe#

Next, process the data using Spark Dataframe operations.

# update label starting from 0. That's because ratings go from 1 to 5, while the matrix column index goes from 0 to 4
df = df.withColumn('label', df.label-1)

# split to train/test dataset
train_data, test_data = df.randomSplit([0.8, 0.2], 100)

3. Define NCF model#

This example defines NCF model in the Creator Function using TensroFlow 2 APIs as follows.

from tensorflow import keras
import tensorflow as tf

def model_creator(config):
    user = keras.layers.Input(dtype=tf.int32, shape=(None,))
    item = keras.layers.Input(dtype=tf.int32, shape=(None,))
    label = keras.layers.Input(dtype=tf.int32, shape=(None,))

    with tf.name_scope("GMF"):
        user_embed_GMF = keras.layers.Embedding(max_user_id + 1, embedding_size)(user)
        item_embed_GMF = keras.layers.Embedding(max_item_id + 1, embedding_size)(item)
        GMF = keras.layers.Multiply()([user_embed_GMF, item_embed_GMF])

    with tf.name_scope("MLP"):
        user_embed_MLP = keras.layers.Embedding(max_user_id + 1, embedding_size)(user)
        item_embed_MLP = keras.layers.Embedding(max_item_id + 1, embedding_size)(item)
        interaction = concat([user_embed_MLP, item_embed_MLP], axis=-1)
        layer1_MLP = keras.layers.Dense(units=embedding_size * 2, activation='relu')(interaction)
        layer1_MLP = keras.layers.Dropout(rate=0.2)(layer1_MLP)
        layer2_MLP = keras.layers.Dense(units=embedding_size, activation='relu')(layer1_MLP)
        layer2_MLP = keras.layers.Dropout(rate=0.2)(layer2_MLP)
        layer3_MLP = keras.layers.Dense(units=embedding_size // 2, activation='relu')(layer2_MLP)
        layer3_MLP = keras.layers.Dropout(rate=0.2)(layer3_MLP)

    # Concate the two parts together
    with tf.name_scope("concatenation"):
        concatenation = tf.concat([GMF, layer3_MLP], axis=-1)
        outputs = keras.layers.Dense(units=5, activation='softmax')(concatenation)

    model = keras.Model(inputs=[user, item], outputs=outputs)
    return model

4. Fit with Orca Estimator#

Finally, run distributed model training/inference on the Spark Dataframes directly.

from bigdl.orca.learn.tf2 import Estimator

# create an Estimator
est = Estimator.from_keras(model_creator=model_creator) # the model accept two inputs and one label

# fit with Estimator
stats =,
                feature_cols=['user', 'item'], # specifies which column(s) to be used as inputs
                label_cols=['label'], # specifies which column(s) to be used as labels
                steps_per_epoch=800000 // batch_size,
                validation_steps=200000 // batch_size)

checkpoint_path = os.path.join(model_dir, "NCF.ckpt")

# evaluate with Estimator
stats = est.evaluate(test_data,
                     feature_cols=['user', 'item'], # specifies which column(s) to be used as inputs
                     label_cols=['label'], # specifies which column(s) to be used as labels
                     num_steps=100000 // batch_size)