Chronos Installation#

OS and Python version requirement#


Supported OS:

Chronos is thoroughly tested on Ubuntu (16.04/18.04/20.04), and should works fine on CentOS. If you are a Windows user, there are 2 ways to use Chronos:

  1. You could use Chronos on a windows laptop with WSL2 (you may refer to or just install a ubuntu virtual machine.

  2. You could use Chronos on native Windows, but some features are unavailable in this case, the limitations will be shown below.


Supported Python Version:

Chronos supports all installation options on Python 3.7.2 ~ latest 3.7.x. For details about different installation options, refer to here.

Moreover, bigdl-chronos[pytorch], bigdl-chronos[tensorflow], bigdl-chronos[automl] and bigdl-chronos[inference] are supported on Python 3.8.

Install using Conda#

We recommend using conda to manage the Chronos python environment. For more information about Conda, refer to here. Select your preferences in the panel below to find the proper install command. Then run the install command as the example shown below.

DL framework
Auto Tuning
Inference Optimization
Install CMD NA

# create a conda environment for chronos
conda create -n my_env python=3.7 setuptools=58.0.4
conda activate my_env

# select your preference in above panel to find the proper command to replace the below command, e.g.
pip install --pre --upgrade bigdl-chronos[pytorch]

# init bigdl-nano to enable local accelerations
source bigdl-nano-init  # accelerate the conda env

Install Chronos on native Windows#

Chronos can be simply installed using pip on native Windows, you could use the same command as Linux to install, but unfortunately, some features are unavailable now:

  1. bigdl-chronos[distributed] is not supported.

  2. intel_extension_for_pytorch (ipex) is unavailable for Windows now, so the related feature is not supported.

For some known issues when installing and using Chronos on native Windows, you could refer to windows_guide.