Use Chronos in Container (docker)#

This dockerfile helps user to build a docker image where Chronos-nightly build version is deployed.

Build an image#

First clone the repo BigDL to the local.

git clone

Then cd to the root directory of BigDL, and copy the Dockerfile to it.

cd BigDL
cp docker/chronos-nightly/Dockerfile ./Dockerfile

When building image, you can specify some build args to install chronos with necessary dependencies according to your own needs. The build args are similar to the install options in Chronos documentation.

model: which model or framework you want. 
       value: pytorch (default)
              ml (for machine learning models).

auto_tuning: whether to enable auto tuning.
             value: y (for yes)
                    n (default, for no).

hardware: run chronos on a single machine or a cluster.
          value: single (default)

inference: whether to install dependencies for inference optimization (e.g. onnx, openvino, ...).
           value: y (for yes)
                  n (default, for no)

extra_dep: whether to install some extra dependencies.
           value: y (for yes)
                  n (default, for no)
           if specified to y, the following dependencies will be installed:
           tsfresh, pyarrow, prometheus_pandas, xgboost, jupyter, matplotlib

If you want to build image with the default options, you can simply use the following command:

sudo docker build -t chronos-nightly:b1 . # You may choose any NAME:TAG you want.

You can also build with other options by specifying the build args:

sudo docker build \
    --build-arg model=pytorch \
    --build-arg auto_tuning=y \
    --build-arg hardware=single \
    --build-arg inference=n \
    --build-arg extra_dep=n \
     -t chronos-nightly:b1 . # You may choose any NAME:TAG you want.

(Optional) If you need a proxy, you can add two additional build args to specify it:

# typically, you need a proxy for building since there will be some downloading.
sudo docker build \
    --build-arg http_proxy=http://<your_proxy_ip>:<your_proxy_port> \ #optional
    --build-arg https_proxy=http://<your_proxy_ip>:<your_proxy_port> \ #optional
    -t chronos-nightly:b1 . # You may choose any NAME:TAG you want.

According to your network status, this building will cost 15-30 mins.

Tips: When errors happen like E: Package 'apt-utils' has no installation candidate, it’s usually related to the bad network status. Please build with a proxy.

Run the image#

sudo docker run -it --rm --net=host chronos-nightly:b1 bash

Use Chronos#

A conda environment is created for you automatically. bigdl-chronos and the necessary depenencies (based on the build args) are installed inside this environment.

(chronos) root@cpx-3:/opt/work#

Run unittest examples on Jupyter Notebook for a quick use#

Note: To use jupyter notebook, you need to specify the build arg extra_dep to y.

You can run these on Jupyter Notebook on single node server if you pursue a quick use on Chronos.

(chronos) root@cpx-3:/opt/work# cd /opt/work/colab-notebook #Unittest examples are here.
(chronos) root@cpx-3:/opt/work# jupyter notebook --notebook-dir=./ --ip=* --allow-root #Start the Jupyter Notebook services.

After the Jupyter Notebook service is successfully started, you can connect to the Jupyter Notebook service from a browser.

  1. Get the IP address of the container

  2. Launch a browser, and connect to the Jupyter Notebook service with the URL:
    As a result, you will see the Jupyter Notebook opened.

  3. Open one of these .ipynb files, run through the example and learn how to use Chronos to predict time series.

Shut down docker container#

You should shut down the BigDL Docker container after using it.

  1. First, use ctrl+p+q to quit the container when you are still in it.

  2. Then, you can list all the active Docker containers by command line:

    sudo docker ps

    You will see your docker containers:

    CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                        COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
    40de2cdad025        chronos-nightly:b1         "/opt/work/"   3 hours ago         Up 3 hours                              upbeat_al
  3. Shut down the corresponding docker container by its ID:

    sudo docker rm -f 40de2cdad025