Distributed Hyper-Parameter Tuning#

Orca AutoEstimator provides similar APIs as Orca Estimator for distributed hyper-parameter tuning.

1. AutoEstimator#

To perform distributed hyper-parameter tuning, user can first create an Orca AutoEstimator from standard TensorFlow Keras or PyTorch model, and then call AutoEstimator.fit.

Under the hood, the Orca AutoEstimator generates different trials and schedules them on each mode in the cluster. Each trial runs a different combination of hyper parameters, sampled from the user-desired hyper-parameter space. HDFS is used to save temporary results of each trial and all the results will be finally transferred to driver for further analysis.

2. Pytorch AutoEstimator#

User could pass Creator Functions, including Data Creator Function, Model Creator Function and Optimizer Creator Function to AutoEstimator for training.

The Creator Functions should take a parameter of config as input and get the hyper-parameter values from config to enable hyper parameter search.

2.1 Data Creator Function#

You can define the train and validation datasets using Data Creator Function. The Data Creator Function takes config as input and returns a torch.utils.data.DataLoader object, as shown below.

# "batch_size" is the hyper-parameter to be tuned.
def train_loader_creator(config):
    train_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(
        datasets.MNIST(dir, train=True, download=True,
                           transforms.Normalize((0.1307,), (0.3081,))
        batch_size=config["batch_size"], shuffle=True)
    return train_loader

The input data for Pytorch AutoEstimator can be a Data Creator Function or a tuple of numpy ndarrays in the form of (x, y), where x is training input data and y is training target data.

2.2 Model Creator Function#

Model Creator Function also takes config as input and returns a torch.nn.Module object, as shown below.

import torch.nn as nn
class LeNet(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, fc1_hidden_size=500):
        super(LeNet, self).__init__()
        self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(1, 20, 5, 1)
        self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(20, 50, 5, 1)
        self.fc1 = nn.Linear(4*4*50, fc1_hidden_size)
        self.fc2 = nn.Linear(fc1_hidden_size, 10)

    def forward(self, x):

def model_creator(config):
    # "fc1_hidden_size" is the hyper-parameter to be tuned.
    model = LeNet(fc1_hidden_size=config["fc1_hidden_size"])
    return model

2.3 Optimizer Creator Function#

Optimizer Creator Function takes model and config as input, and returns a torch.optim.Optimizer object.

import torch
def optim_creator(model, config):
    return torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=config["lr"])

Note that the optimizer argument in Pytorch AutoEstimator constructor could be a Optimizer Creator Function or a string, which is the name of Pytorch Optimizer. The above Optimizer Creator Function has the same functionality with “Adam”.

2.4 Create and Fit Pytorch AutoEstimator#

User could create a Pytorch AutoEstimator as below.

from bigdl.orca.automl.auto_estimator import AutoEstimator

auto_est = AutoEstimator.from_torch(model_creator=model_creator,
                                    resources_per_trial={"cpu": 2},

Then user can perform distributed hyper-parameter tuning as follows. For more details about the search_space argument, view the search space and search algorithms page.


Finally, user can get the best learned model and the best hyper-parameters for further deployment.

best_model = auto_est.get_best_model() # a `torch.nn.Module` object
best_config = auto_est.get_best_config() # a dictionary of hyper-parameter names and values.

View the related Python API doc for more details.

3. TensorFlow/Keras AutoEstimator#

Users can create an AutoEstimator for TensorFlow Keras from a tf.keras model (using a Model Creator Function). For example:

def model_creator(config):
    model = tf.keras.models.Sequential([tf.keras.layers.Dense(config["hidden_size"],
    return model

auto_est = AutoEstimator.from_keras(model_creator=model_creator,
                                    resources_per_trial={"cpu": 2},

Then user can perform distributed hyper-parameter tuning as follows. For more details about search_space, view the search space and search algorithms page.


The data and validation_data in fit method can only be a tuple of numpy ndarrays. We haven’t support Data Create Function now. The numpy ndarray should also be in the form of (x, y), where x is training input data and y is training target data.

Finally, user can get the best learned model and the best hyper-parameters for further deployment.

best_model = auto_est.get_best_model() # a `torch.nn.Module` object
best_config = auto_est.get_best_config() # a dictionary of hyper-parameter names and values.

View the related Python API doc for more details.

4. Search Space and Search Algorithms#

For Hyper-parameter Optimization, user should define the search space of various hyper-parameter values for neural network training, as well as how to search through the chosen hyper-parameter space.

4.1 Basic Search Algorithms#

For basic search algorithms like Grid Search and Random Search, we provide several sampling functions with automl.hp. See API doc for more details.

AutoEstimator requires a dictionary for the search_space argument in fit. In the dictionary, the keys are the hyper-parameter names, and the values specify how to sample the search spaces for the hyper-parameters.

from bigdl.orca.automl import hp

search_space = {
    "fc1_hidden_size": hp.grid_search([500, 600]),
    "lr": hp.loguniform(0.001, 0.1),
    "batch_size": hp.choice([160, 320, 640]),

4.2 Advanced Search Algorithms#

Beside grid search and random search, user could also choose to use some advanced hyper-parameter optimization methods, such as Ax, Bayesian Optimization, Scikit-Optimize, etc. We supported all Search Algorithms in Ray Tune. View the Ray Tune Search Algorithms for more details. Note that you should install the dependency for your search algorithm manually.

Take bayesian optimization as an instance. You need to first install the dependency with

pip install bayesian-optimization

And pass the search algorithm name to search_alg in AutoEstimator.fit.

from bigdl.orca.automl import hp

search_space = {
    "width": hp.uniform(0, 20),
    "height": hp.uniform(-100, 100)


See API Doc for more details.

5. Scheduler#

Scheduler can stop/pause/tweak the hyper-parameters of running trials, making the hyper-parameter tuning process much efficient.

We support all Schedulers in Ray Tune. See Ray Tune Schedulers for more details.

User can pass the Scheduler name to scheduler in AutoEstimator.fit. The Scheduler names supported are “fifo”, “hyperband”, “async_hyperband”, “median_stopping_rule”, “hb_bohb”, “pbt”, “pbt_replay”. The default scheduler is “fifo”, which just runs trials in submission order.

See examples below about how to use Scheduler in AutoEstimator.

scheduler_params = dict(

    scheduler = "AsyncHyperBand",

Scheduler shares the same parameters as ray tune schedulers. And scheduler_params are extra parameters for scheduler other than metric and mode.