Source code for bigdl.orca.common

# Copyright 2016 The BigDL Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import os
from bigdl.dllib.nncontext import ZooContext
from bigdl.dllib.utils.log4Error import *
import pickle
import hmac
import hashlib

class OrcaContextMeta(type):

    _pandas_read_backend = "spark"
    __eager_mode = True
    _serialize_data_creator = False
    _train_data_store = "DRAM"
    __shard_size = None

    def log_output(cls):
        Whether to redirect Spark driver JVM's stdout and stderr to the current
        python process. This is useful when running BigDL in jupyter notebook.
        Default to be False. Needs to be set before initializing SparkContext.
        return ZooContext.log_output

    def log_output(cls, value):
        ZooContext.log_output = value

    def pandas_read_backend(cls):
        The backend for reading csv/json files. Either "spark" or "pandas".
        spark backend would call and pandas backend would call
        Default to be "spark".
        return cls._pandas_read_backend

    def pandas_read_backend(cls, value):
        value = value.lower()
        invalidInputError(value == "spark" or value == "pandas",
                          "pandas_read_backend must be either spark or pandas")
        cls._pandas_read_backend = value

    def _eager_mode(cls):
        Whether to compute eagerly for SparkXShards.
        Default to be True.
        return cls.__eager_mode

    def _eager_mode(cls, value):
        invalidInputError(isinstance(value, bool),
                          "_eager_mode should either be True or False")
        cls.__eager_mode = value

    def serialize_data_creator(cls):
        Whether add a file lock to the data loading process for PyTorch Horovod training.
        This would be useful when you run multiple workers on a single node to download data
        to the same destination.
        Default to be False.
        return cls._serialize_data_creator

    def serialize_data_creator(cls, value):
        invalidInputError(isinstance(value, bool),
                          "serialize_data_creator should either be True or False")
        cls._serialize_data_creator = value

    def train_data_store(cls):
        The memory type for train data storage. Either 'DRAM', 'PMEM', or 'DISK_n'.
        The default value is 'DRAM', you can change it to 'PMEM' if have AEP hardware.
        If you give 'DISK_n', in which 'n' is an integer, we will cache the data into disk,
        and hold only `1/n` of the data in memory. After going through the `1/n`,
        we will release the current cache, and load another `1/n` into memory.
        return cls._train_data_store

    def train_data_store(cls, value):
        value = value.upper()
        import re
        invalidInputError(value == "DRAM" or value == "PMEM" or re.match("DISK_\d+", value),
                          "train_data_store must be either DRAM or PMEM or DIRECT or DISK_n")
        cls._train_data_store = value

    def _shard_size(cls):
        The number of Rows in Spark DataFrame to transform as one shard of SparkXShards. We convert
        Spark DataFrame input to SparkXShards internally in fit/predict/evaluate of
        PyTorchRayEstimator and TensorFlow2Estimator. This parameter may affect the performance in
        transferring an SparkXShards to an RayXShards.
        Default to be None, in which case Rows in one partition will be transformed as one shard.
        return cls.__shard_size

    def _shard_size(cls, value):
        if value is not None:
            invalidInputError(isinstance(value, int) and value > 0,
                              "shard size should be either None or a positive integer.")
        cls.__shard_size = value

    def barrier_mode(cls):
        Whether to use Spark barrier mode to launch Ray, which is supported in Spark 2.4+ and when
        dynamic allocation is disabled.
        Default to be True.
        return ZooContext.barrier_mode

    def barrier_mode(cls, value):
        ZooContext.barrier_mode = value

class OrcaContext(metaclass=OrcaContextMeta):
    def get_spark_context():
        from pyspark import SparkContext
        if SparkContext._active_spark_context is not None:
            return SparkContext.getOrCreate()
                              "No active SparkContext. Please create a SparkContext first")

    def get_sql_context():
        from pyspark.sql import SQLContext
        return SQLContext.getOrCreate(OrcaContext.get_spark_context())

    def get_spark_session():
        return OrcaContext.get_sql_context().sparkSession

    def get_ray_context():
        from bigdl.orca.ray import OrcaRayContext
        return OrcaRayContext.get()

def _check_python_micro_version():
    # with ray >=1.8.0, python small micro version will cause pickle error in ray.init()
    # (
    import sys
    if sys.version_info[2] < 3:
                          f"Found python version {sys.version[:5]}. We only support python"
                          f"with micro version >= 10 (e.g. 3.{sys.version_info[1]}.10)")

[docs]def init_orca_context(cluster_mode=None, runtime="spark", cores=None, memory="2g", num_nodes=1, init_ray_on_spark=False, init_executor_gateway=True, **kwargs): """ Creates or gets a SparkContext for different Spark cluster modes (and launch Ray services across the cluster if necessary) or an OrcaRayContext when the runtime is ray. :param runtime: The runtime for backend. One of "ray" and "spark". Default to be "spark". :param cluster_mode: The mode for the Spark cluster. One of "local", "yarn-client", "yarn-cluster", "k8s-client", "k8s-cluster", "standalone", "spark-submit" and "bigdl-submit". You are highly recommended to install and run bigdl through pip, which is more convenient. Default to be None and in this case there is supposed to be an existing SparkContext in your application from `spark-submit` and you need to set the Spark configurations through command line options or the properties file. To make things easier, you are recommended to use `bigdl-submit` after pip install bigdl. For "yarn-client" and "yarn-cluster", you are supposed to use conda environment and set the environment variable HADOOP_CONF_DIR. For "k8s-client" and "k8s-cluster", you are supposed to additionally specify the arguments master and container_image. :param runtime: The runtime for backend. One of "ray" and "spark". Default to be "spark". :param cores: The number of cores to be used on each node. For Spark local mode, default to use all the cores on the node. For other cluster_mode, default to use 2 cores per node. You are highly recommended to set this value by yourself, instead of using the default one. :param memory: The memory allocated for each node. Default to be '2g'. :param num_nodes: The number of nodes to be used in the cluster. Default to be 1. For Spark local mode, num_nodes should always be 1 and you don't need to change it. :param init_ray_on_spark: Whether to launch Ray services across the cluster. Default to be False and in this case the Ray cluster would be launched lazily when Ray is involved in Project Orca. :param init_executor_gateway: Whether to launch Java gateway on executors. Default to be True. :param kwargs: The extra keyword arguments used for creating SparkContext and launching Ray if any. :return: An instance of SparkContext or OrcaRayContext. """ print("Initializing orca context") import atexit atexit.register(stop_orca_context) if not cores: if cluster_mode == "local" and runtime == "spark": cores = "*" print("For Spark local mode, default to use all the cores on the node.") else: cores = 2 import warnings warnings.warn("Cores not specified, using 2 cores per node by default.", Warning) if runtime == "ray": invalidInputError(cluster_mode is None, "Currently, cluster_mode is not supported for ray runtime and" " you must connect to an exiting ray cluster.") from bigdl.orca.ray import OrcaRayContext ray_ctx = OrcaRayContext(runtime="ray", cores=cores, num_nodes=num_nodes, **kwargs) ray_ctx.init() return ray_ctx elif runtime == "spark": from pyspark import SparkContext import warnings spark_args = {} for key in ["conf", "spark_log_level", "redirect_spark_log"]: if key in kwargs: spark_args[key] = kwargs[key] if cluster_mode is not None: cluster_mode = cluster_mode.lower() activate_sc = SparkContext._active_spark_context is not None if activate_sc: if cluster_mode is not None and cluster_mode != "spark-submit": warnings.warn("Use an existing SparkContext, " + "cluster_mode is determined by the existing SparkContext", Warning) from bigdl.dllib.nncontext import init_nncontext sc = init_nncontext(conf=None, spark_log_level="WARN", redirect_spark_log=True) else: cluster_mode = "local" if cluster_mode is None else cluster_mode if cluster_mode == "local": if num_nodes > 1: warnings.warn("For Spark local mode, num_nodes should be 1, but got " + repr(num_nodes) + ", ignored", Warning) os.environ["SPARK_DRIVER_MEMORY"] = memory if "python_location" in kwargs: spark_args["python_location"] = kwargs["python_location"] from bigdl.dllib.nncontext import init_spark_on_local sc = init_spark_on_local(cores, **spark_args) elif cluster_mode == "spark-submit" or cluster_mode == "bigdl-submit": from bigdl.dllib.nncontext import init_nncontext if "conf" in spark_args and spark_args["conf"] is not None: warnings.warn("For spark-submit and bigdl-submit cluster_mode, " + "all conf should be specified in the spark-submit " + "or bigdl-submit command, but got " + repr(spark_args["conf"]) + ", ignored", Warning) spark_args["conf"] = None sc = init_nncontext(**spark_args) elif cluster_mode.startswith("yarn"): # yarn, yarn-client or yarn-cluster hadoop_conf = os.environ.get("HADOOP_CONF_DIR") if not hadoop_conf: invalidInputError("hadoop_conf" in kwargs, ("Directory path to hadoop conf not found for yarn-client" " mode. Please either specify argument hadoop_conf or set" " the environment variable HADOOP_CONF_DIR")) hadoop_conf = kwargs["hadoop_conf"] from bigdl.dllib.utils.utils import detect_conda_env_name conda_env_name = detect_conda_env_name() for key in ["driver_cores", "driver_memory", "extra_executor_memory_for_ray", "extra_python_lib", "penv_archive", "additional_archive", "hadoop_user_name", "spark_yarn_archive", "jars"]: if key in kwargs: spark_args[key] = kwargs[key] from bigdl.dllib.nncontext import init_spark_on_yarn, init_spark_on_yarn_cluster if cluster_mode == "yarn-cluster": sc = init_spark_on_yarn_cluster(hadoop_conf=hadoop_conf, conda_name=conda_env_name, num_executors=num_nodes, executor_cores=cores, executor_memory=memory, **spark_args) else: sc = init_spark_on_yarn(hadoop_conf=hadoop_conf, conda_name=conda_env_name, num_executors=num_nodes, executor_cores=cores, executor_memory=memory, **spark_args) elif cluster_mode.startswith("k8s"): # k8s or k8s-client invalidInputError("master" in kwargs, "Please specify master for k8s mode") invalidInputError("container_image" in kwargs, "Please specify container_image for k8s mode") for key in ["driver_cores", "driver_memory", "extra_executor_memory_for_ray", "extra_python_lib", "penv_archive", "jars", "python_location"]: if key in kwargs: spark_args[key] = kwargs[key] from bigdl.dllib.nncontext import init_spark_on_k8s, init_spark_on_k8s_cluster if cluster_mode == "k8s-cluster": sc = init_spark_on_k8s_cluster(master=kwargs["master"], container_image=kwargs["container_image"], num_executors=num_nodes, executor_cores=cores, executor_memory=memory, **spark_args) else: from bigdl.dllib.utils.utils import detect_conda_env_name conda_env_name = detect_conda_env_name() sc = init_spark_on_k8s(master=kwargs["master"], container_image=kwargs["container_image"], conda_name=conda_env_name, num_executors=num_nodes, executor_cores=cores, executor_memory=memory, **spark_args) elif cluster_mode == "standalone": for key in ["driver_cores", "driver_memory", "extra_executor_memory_for_ray", "extra_python_lib", "jars", "master", "python_location", "enable_numa_binding"]: if key in kwargs: spark_args[key] = kwargs[key] from bigdl.dllib.nncontext import init_spark_standalone sc = init_spark_standalone(num_executors=num_nodes, executor_cores=cores, executor_memory=memory, **spark_args) else: invalidInputError(False, "cluster_mode can only be local, yarn-client, yarn-cluster," "k8s-client, k8s-cluster, standalone," "spark-submit or bigdl-submit, " "but got: %s".format(cluster_mode)) ray_args = {} for key in ["redis_port", "redis_password", "object_store_memory", "verbose", "env", "extra_params", "num_ray_nodes", "ray_node_cpu_cores", "include_webui", "system_config"]: if key in kwargs: ray_args[key] = kwargs[key] from bigdl.orca.ray import OrcaRayContext ray_ctx = OrcaRayContext(runtime="spark", cores=cores, num_nodes=num_nodes, sc=sc, **ray_args) if init_ray_on_spark: driver_cores = 0 # This is the default value. ray_ctx.init(driver_cores=driver_cores) if init_executor_gateway: from bigdl.dllib.utils.common import init_executor_gateway init_executor_gateway(sc=sc) return sc else: invalidInputError(False, "runtime can only be spark or ray, but got %s".format(runtime))
def stop_orca_context(): """ Stop the SparkContext (and stop Ray services across the cluster if necessary) or stop the OrcaRayContext. """ from pyspark import SparkContext from bigdl.orca.ray import OrcaRayContext # If users successfully call stop_orca_context after the program finishes, # namely when there is no active SparkContext, the registered exit function # should do nothing. if SparkContext._active_spark_context is not None: print("Stopping orca context") ray_ctx = OrcaRayContext.get(initialize=False) if ray_ctx.initialized: ray_ctx.stop() else: OrcaRayContext._active_ray_context = None sc = SparkContext.getOrCreate() if sc.getConf().get("spark.master").startswith("spark://"): from bigdl.dllib.nncontext import stop_spark_standalone stop_spark_standalone() sc.stop() else: if OrcaRayContext._active_ray_context is not None: print("Stopping ray_orca context") ray_ctx = OrcaRayContext.get(initialize=False) if ray_ctx.initialized: ray_ctx.stop() # Refer to this guide # To safely use python pickle class SafePickle: key = b'shared-key' """ Example: >>> from bigdl.orca.common import SafePickle >>> with open(file_path, 'wb') as file: >>> signature = SafePickle.dump(data, file, return_digest=True) >>> with open(file_path, 'rb') as file: >>> data = SafePickle.load(file, signature) """ @classmethod def dump(self, obj, file, return_digest=False, *args, **kwargs): if return_digest: pickled_data = pickle.dumps(obj) file.write(pickled_data) digest =, pickled_data, hashlib.sha1).hexdigest() return digest else: pickle.dump(obj, file, *args, **kwargs) @classmethod def load(self, file, digest=None, *args, **kwargs): if digest: content = new_digest =, content, hashlib.sha1).hexdigest() if digest != new_digest: invalidInputError(False, 'Pickle safe check failed') return pickle.load(file, *args, **kwargs) @classmethod def dumps(self, obj, *args, **kwargs): return pickle.dumps(obj, *args, **kwargs)