Source code for bigdl.dllib.keras.models

# Copyright 2016 The BigDL Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import sys

from bigdl.dllib.utils.utils import remove_batch
from .engine.topology import KerasNet
from bigdl.dllib.utils.common import to_list
from bigdl.dllib.utils.log4Error import *
from bigdl.dllib.utils.file_utils import callZooFunc
from bigdl.dllib.utils.bigdl_export import keras_export

if sys.version >= '3':
    long = int
    unicode = str

def load_model(model_path, bigdl_type="float"):
    from import Net
    model = Net.load(model_path, bigdl_type=bigdl_type)
    return model

[docs]@keras_export('bigdl.dllib.keras.Model') class Model(KerasNet): """ Container for a graph model. # Arguments input: An input node or a list of input nodes. output: An output node or a list of output nodes. name: String to specify the name of the graph model. Default is None. """ def __init__(self, input, output, jvalue=None, **kwargs): super(Model, self).__init__(jvalue, to_list(input), to_list(output), **kwargs)
[docs] def save_graph_topology(self, log_path, backward=False): """ Save the current model graph to a folder, which can be displayed in TensorBoard by running the command: tensorboard --logdir log_path # Arguments log_path: The path to save the model graph. backward: The name of the application. """ callZooFunc(self.bigdl_type, "zooSaveGraphTopology", self.value, log_path, backward)
[docs] def new_graph(self, outputs): value = callZooFunc(self.bigdl_type, "newGraph", self.value, outputs) return self.from_jvalue(value)
[docs] def freeze_up_to(self, names): callZooFunc(self.bigdl_type, "freezeUpTo", self.value, names)
[docs] def unfreeze(self, names): callZooFunc(self.bigdl_type, "unFreeze", self.value, names)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_jvalue(jvalue, bigdl_type="float"): """ Create a Python Model base on the given java value :param jvalue: Java object create by Py4j :return: A Python Model """ model = Model([], [], jvalue=jvalue) model.value = jvalue return model
[docs]@keras_export('bigdl.dllib.keras.Sequential') class Sequential(KerasNet): """ Container for a sequential model. # Arguments name: String to specify the name of the sequential model. Default is None. >>> sequential = Sequential(name="seq1") creating: createZooKerasSequential """ def __init__(self, jvalue=None, **kwargs): super(Sequential, self).__init__(jvalue, **kwargs) # TODO: expose is_built from scala side
[docs] def is_built(self): try: self.get_output_shape() return True except: return False
[docs] def add(self, model): from bigdl.dllib.keras.autograd import Lambda if (isinstance(model, Lambda)): if not self.is_built(): if not model.input_shape: invalidInputError(False, "You should specify inputShape for the first layer") input_shapes = model.input_shape else: input_shapes = self.get_output_shape() model = model.create(remove_batch(input_shapes)) self.value.add(model.value) return self
[docs] @staticmethod def from_jvalue(jvalue, bigdl_type="float"): """ Create a Python Model base on the given java value :param jvalue: Java object create by Py4j :return: A Python Model """ model = Sequential(jvalue=jvalue) model.value = jvalue return model