Source code for bigdl.chronos.autots.deprecated.forecast

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from bigdl.chronos.autots.deprecated.regression.time_sequence_predictor import TimeSequencePredictor
from bigdl.chronos.autots.deprecated.config.recipe import *
from bigdl.chronos.autots.deprecated.pipeline.time_sequence import load_ts_pipeline
from bigdl.chronos.utils import deprecated

[docs]@deprecated('Please use `bigdl.chronos.autots.AutoTSEstimator` instead.') class AutoTSTrainer: """ The Automated Time Series Forecast Trainer """ def __init__(self, horizon=1, dt_col="datetime", target_col="value", logs_dir="~/bigdl_automl_logs", extra_features_col=None, search_alg=None, search_alg_params=None, scheduler=None, scheduler_params=None, name="automl" ): """ __init__() Initialize the AutoTS Trainer. :param horizon: steps to look forward :param dt_col: the datetime column :param target_col: the target column to forecast :param extra_features_col: extra feature columns """ target_col_list = target_col if isinstance(target_col, str): target_col_list = [target_col] self.internal = TimeSequencePredictor( dt_col=dt_col, target_col=target_col_list, logs_dir=logs_dir, future_seq_len=horizon, extra_features_col=extra_features_col, search_alg=search_alg, search_alg_params=search_alg_params, scheduler=scheduler, scheduler_params=scheduler_params, name=name )
[docs] def fit(self, train_df, validation_df=None, metric="mse", recipe: Recipe = SmokeRecipe(), uncertainty: bool = False, upload_dir=None, ): """ fit() Fit a time series forecasting pipeline w/ automl :param train_df: the input dataframe (as pandas.dataframe) :param validation_df: the validation dataframe (as pandas.dataframe) :param recipe: the configuration of searching :param metric: the evaluation metric to optimize :param uncertainty: whether to enable uncertainty calculation (will output an uncertainty sigma) :param upload_dir: Optional URI to sync training results and checkpoints. We only support hdfs URI for now. :return a TSPipeline """ bigdl_pipeline =, validation_df, metric, recipe, mc=uncertainty, upload_dir=upload_dir) ppl = TSPipeline() ppl.internal = bigdl_pipeline return ppl
[docs]class TSPipeline: """ A pipeline for time series forecasting. """ def __init__(self): """ Initialize an emtpy TSPipeline. Usually it is not called by user directly. A TSPipeline is either obtained from or TSPipeline.load """ self.internal = None self.uncertainty = False
[docs] def save(self, pipeline_file): """ Save the pipeline to a file :param pipeline_file: the file path :return: """ return
[docs] @staticmethod @deprecated('Please use `bigdl.chronos.autots.TSPipeline` instead.') def load(pipeline_file): """ load(pipeline_file) Load pipeline from a file :param pipeline_file: the pipeline file :return: a TSPipeline object """ tsppl = TSPipeline() tsppl.internal = load_ts_pipeline(pipeline_file) return tsppl
[docs] def fit(self, input_df, validation_df=None, uncertainty: bool = False, epochs=1, **user_config): """ Incremental Fitting :param input_df: the input dataframe :param validation_df: the validation dataframe :param uncertainty: whether to calculate uncertainty :param epochs: number of epochs to train :param user_config: user configurations :return: """ # TODO refactor automl.Pipeline fit methods to merge the two # maybe use another method to apply configs. # distinguish between incremental and fit from scratch self.uncertainty = uncertainty if user_config: self.internal.fit_with_fixed_configs(input_df=input_df, validation_df=validation_df, mc=uncertainty, epoch_num=epochs, **user_config) else:, validation_df=validation_df, mc=uncertainty, epoch_num=epochs)
[docs] def predict(self, input_df): """ Prediction. :param input_df: the input dataframe :return: the forecast results """ if self.uncertainty is True: return self.internal.predict_with_uncertainty(input_df) else: return self.internal.predict(input_df)
[docs] def evaluate(self, input_df, metrics=["mse"], multioutput='raw_values'): """ Evaluation :param input_df: the input dataframe :param metrics: the evaluation metrics :param multioutput: output mode of multiple output, whether to aggregate :return: the evaluation results """ return self.internal.evaluate(input_df, metrics, multioutput)