BigDL-Orca ========================= Most AI projects start with a Python notebook running on a single laptop; however, one usually needs to go through a mountain of pains to scale it to handle larger data set in a distributed fashion. The **BigDL-Orca** (or **Orca** for short) library seamlessly scales out your single node Python notebook across large clusters (so as to process distributed Big Data). ------- .. grid:: 1 2 2 2 :gutter: 2 .. grid-item-card:: **Get Started** ^^^ For those who are new to Orca. +++ :bdg-link:`Orca in 5 minutes <./Overview/orca.html>` | :bdg-link:`Installation <./Overview/install.html>` .. grid-item-card:: **Tutorials** ^^^ Quick examples to get familiar with Orca and step-by-step tutorials to run Orca on large clusters. +++ :bdg-link:`How-to Guides <./Howto/index.html>` | :bdg-link:`Tutorials <./Tutorial/index.html>` .. grid-item-card:: **Key Features Guide** ^^^ In-depth information, concepts and knowledge about the key features in Orca. +++ :bdg-link:`Data <./Overview/data-parallel-processing.html>` | :bdg-link:`Estimator <./Overview/distributed-training-inference.html>` | :bdg-link:`RayOnSpark <./Overview/ray.html>` .. grid-item-card:: **API Document** ^^^ Detailed descriptions of Orca APIs. +++ :bdg-link:`API Document <../PythonAPI/Orca/index.html>` .. toctree:: :hidden: BigDL-Orca Document