BigDL-Nano ========================= **BigDL-Nano** (or **Nano** for short) is a Python package to transparently accelerate PyTorch and TensorFlow applications on Intel hardware. It provides a unified and easy-to-use API for several optimization techniques and tools, so that users can only apply a few lines of code changes to make their PyTorch or TensorFlow code run faster. ------- .. grid:: 1 2 2 2 :gutter: 2 .. grid-item-card:: **Get Started** ^^^ Documents in these sections helps you getting started quickly with Nano. +++ :bdg-link:`Nano in 5 minutes <./Overview/nano.html>` | :bdg-link:`Installation <./Overview/install.html>` | :bdg-link:`Tutorials <./QuickStart/index.html>` .. grid-item-card:: **Key Features Guide** ^^^ Each guide in this section provides you with in-depth information, concepts and knowledges about Nano key features. +++ :bdg:`PyTorch` :bdg-link:`Infer <./Overview/pytorch_inference.html>` :bdg-link:`Train <./Overview/pytorch_train.html>` | :bdg:`TensorFlow` :bdg-link:`Infer <./Overview/tensorflow_inference.html>` :bdg-link:`Train <./Overview/tensorflow_train.html>` .. grid-item-card:: **How-to Guide** ^^^ How-to Guide provides bite-sized, actionable examples of how to use specific Nano features, different from our tutorials which are full-length examples each implementing a full usage scenario. +++ :bdg-link:`How-to-Guide <./Howto/index.html>` .. grid-item-card:: **API Document** ^^^ API Document provides detailed description of Nano APIs. +++ :bdg-link:`API Document <../PythonAPI/Nano/index.html>` .. toctree:: :hidden: BigDL-Nano Document