Source code for bigdl.nano.pytorch.inference.optimizer

# Copyright 2016 The BigDL Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import torch
from torch import nn
import time
import multiprocessing as mp
from typing import Dict, Callable, Tuple, Optional, List, Union, Sequence
from import DataLoader
from torchmetrics.metric import Metric
from bigdl.nano.utils.inference.common.checker import available_acceleration_combination
from bigdl.nano.utils.inference.common.utils import AccelerationOption,\
    throughput_calculate_helper, format_optimize_result
from bigdl.nano.utils.inference.common.base_optimizer import BaseInferenceOptimizer
from bigdl.nano.utils.log4Error import invalidInputError
from bigdl.nano.pytorch.amp import BF16Model
from bigdl.nano.deps.openvino.openvino_api import PytorchOpenVINOModel
from bigdl.nano.deps.ipex.ipex_api import PytorchIPEXJITModel, PytorchIPEXJITBF16Model,\
from bigdl.nano.deps.onnxruntime.onnxruntime_api import PytorchONNXRuntimeModel
from bigdl.nano.deps.neural_compressor.inc_api import quantize as inc_quantize
from bigdl.nano.utils.inference.pytorch.model import AcceleratedLightningModule
from bigdl.nano.utils.inference.pytorch.model_utils import get_forward_args, get_input_example
from bigdl.nano.utils.inference.pytorch.metrics import NanoMetric
from bigdl.nano.utils.inference.pytorch.dataset import RepeatDataset, remove_batch_dim_fn
from bigdl.nano.utils.inference.pytorch.dataloader import\
    transform_multiple_input_dataloader_to_inc_mode, automatic_add_label_in_dataloader
from bigdl.nano.pytorch.utils import TORCH_VERSION_LESS_1_10, save_model, load_model
from bigdl.nano.common.cpu_schedule import schedule_processors
from bigdl.nano.pytorch.context_manager import generate_context_manager,\
    BaseContextManager, AutocastContextManager
from .multi_instance import _MultiInstanceModel, _multi_instance_helper
import traceback
import warnings
# Filter out useless Userwarnings
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=UserWarning, module='pytorch_lightning')
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=DeprecationWarning, module='pytorch_lightning')
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=UserWarning, module='torch')
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=DeprecationWarning, module='torch')

import os
os.environ['LOGLEVEL'] = 'ERROR'  # remove parital output of inc

class TorchAccelerationOption(AccelerationOption):
    def optimize(self, model, training_data=None, input_sample=None,
                 thread_num=None, dynamic_axes=True, logging=False,
        accelerator = self.get_accelerator()
        if self.get_precision() == "fp32":
            if accelerator is None and self.ipex is False and \
                    self.channels_last is False:
                return model
            # trace
            acce_model = \
                                         # remove output of openvino
            # quantize
            ort_method: str = self.method
            acce_model = \
                                            # remove output of openvino
        return acce_model

[docs]class InferenceOptimizer(BaseInferenceOptimizer): # acceleration method combinations, developers may want to register some new # combinations here ALL_INFERENCE_ACCELERATION_METHOD = \ { "original": TorchAccelerationOption(), "fp32_channels_last": TorchAccelerationOption(channels_last=True), "fp32_ipex": TorchAccelerationOption(ipex=True), "fp32_ipex_channels_last": TorchAccelerationOption(ipex=True, channels_last=True), "bf16": TorchAccelerationOption(bf16=True), "bf16_channels_last": TorchAccelerationOption(bf16=True, channels_last=True), "bf16_ipex": TorchAccelerationOption(bf16=True, ipex=True), "bf16_ipex_channels_last": TorchAccelerationOption(bf16=True, ipex=True, channels_last=True), "static_int8": TorchAccelerationOption(inc=True), "static_int8_ipex": TorchAccelerationOption(inc=True, method="ipex", ipex=True), "jit_fp32": TorchAccelerationOption(jit=True), "jit_fp32_channels_last": TorchAccelerationOption(jit=True, channels_last=True), "jit_bf16": TorchAccelerationOption(jit=True, bf16=True), "jit_bf16_channels_last": TorchAccelerationOption(jit=True, bf16=True, channels_last=True), "jit_fp32_ipex": TorchAccelerationOption(jit=True, ipex=True), "jit_fp32_ipex_channels_last": TorchAccelerationOption(jit=True, ipex=True, channels_last=True), "jit_bf16_ipex": TorchAccelerationOption(jit=True, bf16=True, ipex=True), "jit_bf16_ipex_channels_last": TorchAccelerationOption(jit=True, bf16=True, ipex=True, channels_last=True), "openvino_fp32": TorchAccelerationOption(openvino=True), "openvino_int8": TorchAccelerationOption(openvino=True, pot=True), "onnxruntime_fp32": TorchAccelerationOption(onnxruntime=True), "onnxruntime_int8_qlinear": TorchAccelerationOption(onnxruntime=True, inc=True, method="qlinear"), "onnxruntime_int8_integer": TorchAccelerationOption(onnxruntime=True, inc=True, method="integer"), } _default_methods = ["original", "bf16", "static_int8", "jit_fp32_ipex", "jit_fp32_ipex_channels_last", "jit_bf16_ipex", "jit_bf16_ipex_channels_last", "openvino_fp32", "openvino_int8", "onnxruntime_fp32", "onnxruntime_int8_qlinear"] DEFAULT_INFERENCE_ACCELERATION_METHOD = {} for method in _default_methods: DEFAULT_INFERENCE_ACCELERATION_METHOD[method] = ALL_INFERENCE_ACCELERATION_METHOD[method]
[docs] def optimize(self, model: nn.Module, training_data: Union[DataLoader, torch.Tensor, Tuple[torch.Tensor]], validation_data: Optional[Union[DataLoader, torch.Tensor, Tuple[torch.Tensor]]] = None, input_sample: Union[torch.Tensor, Dict, Tuple[torch.Tensor], None] = None, metric: Optional[Callable] = None, direction: str = "max", thread_num: Optional[int] = None, accelerator: Optional[Tuple[str]] = None, precision: Optional[Tuple[str]] = None, use_ipex: Optional[bool] = None, search_mode: str = "default", dynamic_axes: Union[bool, dict] = True, logging: bool = False, latency_sample_num: int = 100, includes: Optional[List[str]] = None, excludes: Optional[List[str]] = None, output_filename: Optional[str] = None) -> None: ''' This function will give all available inference acceleration methods a try and record the latency, accuracy and model instance inside the Optimizer for future usage. All model instance is setting to eval mode. The available methods are "original", "fp32_channels_last", "fp32_ipex", "fp32_ipex_channels_last", "bf16", "bf16_channels_last", "bf16_ipex", "bf16_ipex_channels_last", "static_int8", "static_int8_ipex", "jit_fp32", "jit_bf16", "jit_fp32_ipex", "jit_fp32_ipex_channels_last", "jit_bf16_ipex", "jit_bf16_ipex_channels_last", "openvino_fp32", "openvino_int8", "onnxruntime_fp32", "onnxruntime_int8_qlinear" and "onnxruntime_int8_integer". :param model: A torch.nn.Module to be optimized :param training_data: training_data support following formats: | 1. a object for training dataset. | Users should be careful with this parameter since this dataloader | might be exposed to the model, which causing data leak. The | batch_size of this dataloader is important as well, users may | want to set it to the same batch size you may want to use the model | in real deploy environment. E.g. batch size should be set to 1 | if you would like to use the accelerated model in an online service. | | 2. a single torch.Tensor which used for training, this case is used to | accept single sample input x. | | 3. a tuple of torch.Tensor which used for training, this case is used to | accept single sample input (x, y) or (x1, x2) et al. :param validation_data: (optional) validation_data is only needed when users care about the possible accuracy drop. It support following formats: | 1. a object for accuracy evaluation. | | 2. a single torch.Tensor which used for training, this case is used to | accept single sample input x. | | 3. a tuple of torch.Tensor which used for training, this case is used to | accept single sample input (x, y) or (x1, x2) et al. :param input_sample: (optional) A set of inputs for trace, defaults to None. In most cases, you don't need specify this parameter, it will be obtained from training_data. You have to specidy this parameter only if the forward function of your model contains some kwargs like `def forward(self, x1, x2, x3=1)`. :param metric: (optional) A callable object which is used for calculating accuracy. It supports two kinds of callable object: | 1. A torchmetrics.Metric object or similar callable object which takes | prediction and target then returns an accuracy value in this calling | method `metric(pred, target)`. This requires data in validation_data | is composed of (input_data, target). | | 2. A callable object that takes model and validation_data (if | validation_data is not None) as input, and returns an accuracy value in | this calling method metric(model, data_loader) (or metric(model) if | validation_data is None). :param direction: (optional) A string that indicates the higher/lower better for the metric, "min" for the lower the better and "max" for the higher the better. Default value is "max". :param thread_num: (optional) An int represents how many threads(cores) is needed for inference. This parameter only controls the usage of thread number in the process of latency calculation as well as later inference process of your obtained accelerated model. In other words, the process of model conversion and optional accuracy calculation won't be restricted by this parameter. :param accelerator: (optional) A string tuple that specifys the accelerators to search. The optional accelerators are: None, 'openvino', 'onnxruntime', 'jit'. Defaults to None which represents there is no restriction on accelerators. If not None, then will only travese corresponding methods whose accelerator falls within the specified accelerator tuple. :param precision: (optional) A string tuple that specifys the precision to search. The optional precision are: 'int8', 'bf16', and 'fp32'. Defaults to None which represents no precision limit. If not None, then will only travese corresponding methods whose precision falls within the specified precision tuple. :param use_ipex: (optional) if not None, then will only try methods with/without this specific ipex setting. :param search_mode: Here are three modes for optimization: | 1. default: This mode only traverses a subset of all combinations. This subset | is a collection of methods that we select based on experience and think have | better acceleration effect in general. This mode allows you to quickly obtain a | good acceleration method, but it is not necessarily the global optimal. Default | to this mode if you don't specify accelerator/precision/use_ipex. | | 2. all: This mode will traverse all possible combinations, which can ensure | find the global optimization, but it will take a long time. | | 3. grid: If you have specified accelerator/precision/use_ipex, the default is | grid mode. We will sort and combine according to the value you specified to | get the search range. :param dynamic_axes: dict or boolean, default to True. By default the exported onnx model will have the first dim of each Tensor input as a dynamic batch_size. If dynamic_axes=False, the exported model will have the shapes of all input and output tensors set to exactly match those given in input_sample. To specify axes of tensors as dynamic (i.e. known only at run-time), set dynamic_axes to a dict with schema: | KEY (str): an input or output name. Each name must also be provided | in input_names or output_names. | | VALUE (dict or list): If a dict, keys are axis indices and values are | axis names. If a list, each element is an axis index. If accelerator != 'openvino'/'onnxruntime', it will be ignored. :param logging: whether to log detailed information of model conversion. Default: False. :param latency_sample_num: (optional) a int represents the number of repetitions to calculate the average latency. The default value is 100. :param includes: (optional) a list of acceleration methods that will be included in the search. Default to None meaning including all available methods. "original" method will be automatically add to includes. :param excludes: (optional) a list of acceleration methods that will be excluded from the search. "original" will be ignored in the excludes. :param output_filename: (optional) a string filename is used to specify the file which the optimized table will be writed. The default is None which means don't write to file. ''' # check if model is a nn.Module or inherited from a nn.Module invalidInputError(isinstance(model, nn.Module), "model should be a nn module.") invalidInputError(direction in ['min', 'max'], "Only support direction 'min', 'max'.") invalidInputError(accelerator is None or isinstance(accelerator, tuple), "accelerator must be a tuple.") invalidInputError(precision is None or isinstance(precision, tuple), "precison must be a tuple.") _check_accelerator = accelerator is None or all( ac in [None, 'onnxruntime', 'openvino', 'jit'] for ac in accelerator) invalidInputError(_check_accelerator is True, "Only support accelerator None, 'onnxruntime', 'openvino' and 'jit'.") _check_precision = precision is None or all( p in [None, 'int8', 'bf16', 'fp32'] for p in precision) invalidInputError(_check_precision is True, "Only support precision 'int8', 'bf16', 'fp32'.") if accelerator is not None or precision is not None or use_ipex is not None: search_mode = "grid" # setting search scope all_acceleration_methods = _obtain_combinations(self.ALL_INFERENCE_ACCELERATION_METHOD, precision, accelerator, use_ipex) else: if search_mode == "all": all_acceleration_methods = self.ALL_INFERENCE_ACCELERATION_METHOD elif search_mode == "default": # which is seting based on experience, and may need periodic update all_acceleration_methods = self.DEFAULT_INFERENCE_ACCELERATION_METHOD # get the available methods whose dep is met available_dict: Dict =\ available_acceleration_combination(excludes=excludes, includes=includes, full_methods=all_acceleration_methods, all_methods=self.ALL_INFERENCE_ACCELERATION_METHOD) self._direction: str = direction # save direction as attr # record whether calculate accuracy in optimize by this attr if validation_data is None and metric is None: self._calculate_accuracy = False else: # test whether accuracy calculation works later self._calculate_accuracy = True default_threads: int = torch.get_num_threads() thread_num: int = None if thread_num is None else int(thread_num) result_map: Dict[str, Dict] = {} model.eval() # change model to eval mode if input_sample is None: forward_args = get_forward_args(model) if isinstance(training_data, DataLoader): input_sample = get_input_example(model, training_data, forward_args) else: if isinstance(training_data, Sequence): input_sample = tuple(list(training_data)[:len(forward_args)]) else: input_sample = training_data # turn training_data into dataset dataset = RepeatDataset(sample=training_data, num=1) training_data = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=1) training_data = remove_batch_dim_fn(training_data) if validation_data is not None and not isinstance(validation_data, DataLoader): # turn validation_data into dataset val_dataset = RepeatDataset(sample=validation_data, num=1) validation_data = DataLoader(val_dataset, batch_size=1) validation_data = remove_batch_dim_fn(validation_data) st = time.perf_counter() try: with torch.no_grad(): if isinstance(input_sample, (Dict, torch.Tensor)): model(input_sample) else: model(*input_sample) except Exception: invalidInputError(False, "training_data is incompatible with your model input.") baseline_time = time.perf_counter() - st if baseline_time > 0.1: # 100ms sample_size_for_pot = 15 else: sample_size_for_pot = 100 # patch context manager model._nano_context_manager = generate_context_manager(accelerator=None, precision="fp32", thread_num=thread_num) print("==========================Start Optimization==========================") start_time = time.perf_counter() for idx, (method, available) in enumerate(available_dict.items()): result_map[method] = {} if available is False: result_map[method]["status"] = "lack dependency" else: print(f"----------Start test {method} model " f"({idx+1}/{len(available_dict)})----------") option: AccelerationOption = self.ALL_INFERENCE_ACCELERATION_METHOD[method] _precision = option.get_precision() try: acce_model = option.optimize(model, training_data=training_data, input_sample=input_sample, thread_num=thread_num, dynamic_axes=dynamic_axes, logging=logging, sample_size_for_pot=sample_size_for_pot) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() result_map[method]["status"] = "fail to convert" print(f"----------Failed to convert to {method}----------") continue result_map[method]["status"] = "successful" def func_test(model, input_sample): if isinstance(input_sample, (Dict, torch.Tensor)): model(input_sample) else: model(*input_sample) with InferenceOptimizer.get_context(acce_model): try: result_map[method]["latency"], status =\ throughput_calculate_helper(latency_sample_num, baseline_time, func_test, acce_model, input_sample) if status is False and method != "original": result_map[method]["status"] = "early stopped" # save model even early stop result_map[method]["model"] = acce_model torch.set_num_threads(default_threads) continue except Exception: traceback.print_exc() result_map[method]["status"] = "fail to forward" print(f"----------{method} failed to forward----------") torch.set_num_threads(default_threads) continue torch.set_num_threads(default_threads) if self._calculate_accuracy: # here we suppose trace don't change accuracy, # so we jump it to reduce time cost of optimize if _precision == "fp32" and method != "original": _accuracy = result_map["original"]["accuracy"] if isinstance(_accuracy, torch.Tensor): _accuracy = _accuracy.item() _accuracy = round(_accuracy, 3) result_map[method]["accuracy"] = str(_accuracy) + '*' else: if method == "original": # test whether metric works try: result_map[method]["accuracy"] =\ _accuracy_calculate_helper(acce_model, metric, validation_data) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() self._calculate_accuracy = False invalidInputError( False, "Your metric is incompatible with validation_data or don't " "follow our given pattern. Our expected metric pattern is " "as follows:\n1. a torchmetrics.Metric object\n2. a " "callable object which takes prediction and target then " "returns a value in this calling method: `metric(pred, " "target)`\n3. a callable object that takes model and " "validation_data (if validation_data is not None) as input," "and returns an accuracy value in this calling method: " "metric(model, data_loader) (or metric(model) if " "validation_data is None).") else: result_map[method]["accuracy"] =\ _accuracy_calculate_helper(acce_model, metric, validation_data) else: result_map[method]["accuracy"] = None result_map[method]["model"] = acce_model print(f"----------Finish test {method} model " f"({idx+1}/{len(available_dict)})----------") self.optimized_model_dict: Dict = result_map print("\n\n==========================Optimization Results==========================") self._optimize_result = format_optimize_result(self.optimized_model_dict, self._calculate_accuracy) if self._calculate_accuracy: if precision is None or 'fp32' in precision: # only show this line when there is traced model and metric value self._optimize_result += "* means we assume the metric value of the traced "\ "model does not change, so we don't recompute metric value to save time.\n" # save time cost to self._optimize_result time_cost = time.perf_counter() - start_time time_cost_str = f"Optimization cost {time_cost:.1f}s in total." self._optimize_result += time_cost_str if output_filename is not None: with open(output_filename, "w") as f: f.write(self._optimize_result) print(self._optimize_result) print("===========================Stop Optimization===========================")
[docs] @staticmethod def quantize(model: nn.Module, precision: str = 'int8', accelerator: Optional[str] = None, use_ipex: bool = False, calib_data: Union[DataLoader, torch.Tensor, Tuple[torch.Tensor]] = None, calib_dataloader: Union[DataLoader] = None, metric: Optional[Metric] = None, accuracy_criterion: Optional[dict] = None, approach: str = 'static', method: Optional[str] = None, conf: Optional[str] = None, tuning_strategy: Optional[str] = None, timeout: Optional[int] = None, max_trials: Optional[int] = None, input_sample=None, channels_last: bool = False, thread_num: Optional[int] = None, device: Optional[str] = 'CPU', onnxruntime_session_options=None, openvino_config=None, simplification: bool = True, jit_strict: bool = True, jit_method: Optional[str] = None, dynamic_axes: Union[bool, dict] = True, sample_size: int = 100, logging: bool = True, inplace: bool = False, weights_prepack: Optional[bool] = None, q_config=None, **kwargs): """ Calibrate a torch.nn.Module for post-training quantization. :param model: A model to be quantized. Model type should be an instance of torch.nn.Module. :param precision: Global precision of quantized model, supported type: 'int8', 'bf16', 'fp16', defaults to 'int8'. :param accelerator: Use accelerator 'None', 'onnxruntime', 'openvino', defaults to None. None means staying in pytorch. :param calib_data: Calibration data is required for static quantization. It's also used as validation dataloader. calib_data support following formats: | 1. a object for training. | | 2. a single torch.Tensor which used for training, this case is | used to accept single sample input x. | | 3. a tuple of torch.Tensor which used for training, this case is | used to accept single sample input (x, y) or (x1, x2) et al. :param calib_dataloader: A object for calibration. Required for static quantization. It's also used as validation dataloader. .. warning:: ``calib_dataloader`` will be deprecated in future release. Please use ``calib_data`` instead. :param metric: A torchmetrics.metric.Metric object for evaluation. :param accuracy_criterion: Tolerable accuracy drop, defaults to None meaning no accuracy control. accuracy_criterion = {'relative': 0.1, 'higher_is_better': True} allows relative accuracy loss: 1%. accuracy_criterion = {'absolute': 0.99, 'higher_is_better':False} means accuracy must be smaller than 0.99. :param approach: 'static' or 'dynamic'. 'static': post_training_static_quant, 'dynamic': post_training_dynamic_quant. Default: 'static'. OpenVINO supports static mode only. :param method: Method to do quantization. When accelerator=None, supported methods: 'fx', 'eager', 'ipex', defaults to 'fx'. If you don't use ipex, suggest using 'fx' which executes automatic optimizations like fusion. For more information, please refer to When accelerator='onnxruntime', supported methods: 'qlinear', 'integer', defaults to 'qlinear'. Suggest 'qlinear' for lower accuracy drop if using static quantization. More details in This argument doesn't take effect for OpenVINO, don't change it for OpenVINO. :param conf: A path to conf yaml file for quantization. Default: None, using default config. :param tuning_strategy: 'bayesian', 'basic', 'mse', 'sigopt'. Default: 'bayesian'. :param timeout: Tuning timeout (seconds). Default: None, which means early stop. Combine with max_trials field to decide when to exit. :param max_trials: Max tune times. Default: None, which means no tuning. Combine with timeout field to decide when to exit. "timeout=0, max_trials=1" means it will try quantization only once and return satisfying best model. :param input_sample: An input example to convert pytorch model into ONNX/OpenVINO/JIT. :param channels_last: Whether use channels last memory format, i.e. NHWC (batch size, height, width, channels), as an alternative way to store tensors in classic/contiguous NCHW order, only valid when precision='bf16', otherwise will be ignored. This setting only works for 4-dim Tensor. Default: ``False``. :param thread_num: (optional) An int represents how many threads(cores) is needed for inference. This parameter only controls the usage of thread number in later inference process of your obtained accelerated model. In other words, the process of model conversion won't be restricted by this parameter. :param device: (optional) A string represents the device of the inference. Default to 'CPU', only valid when accelerator='openvino', otherwise will be ignored. 'CPU', 'GPU' and 'VPUX' are supported for now. :param onnxruntime_session_options: The session option for onnxruntime, only valid when accelerator='onnxruntime', otherwise will be ignored. :param openvino_config: The config to be inputted in core.compile_model. Only valid when accelerator='openvino', otherwise will be ignored. :param simplification: whether we use onnxsim to simplify the ONNX model, only valid when accelerator='onnxruntime', otherwise will be ignored. If this option is set to True, new dependency 'onnxsim' need to be installed. :param jit_strict: Whether recording your mutable container types. This parameter will be passed to ``torch.jit.trace``. if ``accelerator != 'jit'`` or ``jit_method='script'``, it will be ignored. Default to True. :param jit_method: Whether to use ``jit.trace`` or ``jit.script`` to convert a model to TorchScript. Accepected values are ``'trace'``, ``'script'``, and ``None``. Default to be ``None`` meaning the try-except logic to use ``jit.trace`` or ``jit.script``. If ``accelerator != 'jit'``, this parameter will be ignored. :param dynamic_axes: dict or boolean, default to True. By default the exported onnx model will have the first dim of each Tensor input as a dynamic batch_size. If dynamic_axes=False, the exported model will have the shapes of all input and output tensors set to exactly match those given in input_sample. To specify axes of tensors as dynamic (i.e. known only at run-time), set dynamic_axes to a dict with schema: | KEY (str): an input or output name. Each name must also be provided | in input_names or output_names. | | VALUE (dict or list): If a dict, keys are axis indices and values | are axis names. If a list, each element is an axis index. If accelerator != 'openvino'/'onnxruntime', it will be ignored. :param sample_size: (optional) a int represents how many samples will be used for Post-training Optimization Tools (POT) from OpenVINO toolkit, only valid for accelerator='openvino'. Default to 100. The larger the value, the more accurate the conversion, the lower the performance degradation, but the longer the time. :param logging: whether to log detailed information of model conversion, only valid when accelerator='openvino', otherwise will be ignored. Default: ``True``. :param inplace: whether to perform inplace optimization. Default: ``False``. :param weights_prepack: Whether to perform weight prepack for convolution and linear to avoid oneDNN weights reorder. The default value is None. Explicitly setting this knob overwrites the configuration set by level knob. Only valid when ``use_ipex=True``, otherwise will be ignored. You can try to reduce the occupied memory size by setting this parameter to ``False``. :param q_config: describes how to quantize a layer or a part of the network by providing settings (observer classes) for activations and weights respectively. Note that QConfig needs to contain observer classes (like MinMaxObserver) or a callable that returns instances on invocation, not the concrete observer instances themselves. Quantization preparation function will instantiate observers multiple times for each of the layers. For more details, please refer QConfig.html#torch.quantization.qconfig.QConfig . This parameter only works for native ipex quantization. :param **kwargs: Other extra advanced settings include: 1. those be passed to ``torch.onnx.export`` function, only valid when accelerator='onnxruntime'/'openvino', otherwise will be ignored. Possible arguments are: input_names, output_names, opset_version, et al. For more details, please refer 2. those be passed to ``model optimizer`` function of openvino, only valid when accelerator='openvino', otherwise will be ignored. Possible arguments are: mean_values, layout, input, output, et al. For more details about model optimizer, you can see mo --help . If you want to quantize with openvino on VPUX device, you must specify ``mean_value`` for model optimizer function. Here ``mean_value`` represents mean values to be used for the input image per channel. Values to be provided in the (R,G,B) or [R,G,B] format. Can be defined for desired input of the model, for example: "--mean_values data[255,255,255],info[255,255,255]". The exact meaning and order of channels depend on how the original model was trained. :return: A accelerated torch.nn.Module if quantization is sucessful. """ invalidInputError(precision in ['int8', 'fp16', 'bf16'], "Only support 'int8', 'bf16', 'fp16' now, " "no support for {}.".format(precision)) # device name might be: CPU, GPU, GPU.0, VPUX ... invalidInputError(device == 'CPU' or 'GPU' in device or device == 'VPUX', "Now we only support CPU, GPU and VPUX, not {}".format(device)) if device != 'CPU' and accelerator != 'openvino': invalidInputError(False, "Now we only support {} device when accelerator" "is openvino.".format(device)) if precision == 'bf16': if accelerator is None or accelerator == "jit": if use_ipex or accelerator == "jit": if use_ipex is True: invalidInputError(not TORCH_VERSION_LESS_1_10, "torch version should >=1.10 to use ipex") use_jit = (accelerator == "jit") if use_jit: invalidInputError(jit_method in [None, 'trace', 'script'], "jit_method {} is invalid.".format(jit_method)) return PytorchIPEXJITBF16Model(model, input_sample=input_sample, use_ipex=use_ipex, use_jit=use_jit, channels_last=channels_last, thread_num=thread_num, inplace=inplace, jit_strict=jit_strict, jit_method=jit_method, weights_prepack=weights_prepack) else: bf16_model = BF16Model(model, channels_last=channels_last, thread_num=thread_num) return bf16_model elif accelerator == "openvino": invalidInputError(device == 'CPU', "Device {} don't support bfloat16.".format(device)) final_openvino_option = {"INFERENCE_PRECISION_HINT": "bf16"} if openvino_config is not None: final_openvino_option.update(openvino_config) return PytorchOpenVINOModel(model, input_sample, thread_num=thread_num, device=device, dynamic_axes=dynamic_axes, logging=logging, config=final_openvino_option, **kwargs) else: invalidInputError(False, "Accelerator {} is invalid for BF16.".format(accelerator)) if precision == 'int8': # transform non-dataloader to dataloader if calib_data is not None and not isinstance(calib_data, DataLoader): dataset = RepeatDataset(sample=calib_data, num=1) calib_dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=1) calib_dataloader = remove_batch_dim_fn(calib_dataloader) else: if calib_data is None and calib_dataloader is not None: # will be deprecate in future release warnings.warn("`calib_dataloader` will be deprecated in future release, please" "use `calib_data` instead.", category=DeprecationWarning) calib_dataloader = calib_dataloader else: calib_dataloader = calib_data # judge whether contains label in calib_datalaoder # if not, will append label at last if accelerator is not None: calib_dataloader = automatic_add_label_in_dataloader(model, calib_dataloader, input_sample) # transform the dataloader to inc mode inc_calib_dataloader =\ transform_multiple_input_dataloader_to_inc_mode(model, calib_dataloader) if not accelerator or accelerator == 'onnxruntime': method_map = { None: { 'fx': 'pytorch_fx', 'eager': 'pytorch', 'ipex': 'pytorch_ipex', None: 'pytorch_fx' # default }, 'onnxruntime': { 'qlinear': 'onnxrt_qlinearops', 'integer': 'onnxrt_integerops', None: 'onnxrt_qlinearops' # default } } framework = method_map[accelerator].get(method, None) if accelerator == "onnxruntime": if not type(model).__name__ == 'PytorchONNXRuntimeModel': # try to establish onnx model if input_sample is None: # input_sample can be a dataloader input_sample = calib_dataloader model = InferenceOptimizer.trace( model, input_sample=input_sample, accelerator='onnxruntime', thread_num=thread_num, onnxruntime_session_options=onnxruntime_session_options, simplification=simplification, dynamic_axes=dynamic_axes, **kwargs) """ If accelerator==None, quantized model returned should be an object of PytorchModel which is defined by neural-compressor containing a `GraphModule` for inference. Otherwise accelerator=='onnxruntime', it returns an ONNXModel object. A supported model which is able to run on Pytorch or ONNXRuntime can be fetched by `quantized_model.model`. """ inc_quantize_arguments = {"model": model, "dataloader": inc_calib_dataloader, "metric": metric, "thread_num": thread_num, "framework": framework, "conf": conf, "approach": approach, "tuning_strategy": tuning_strategy, "accuracy_criterion": accuracy_criterion, "timeout": timeout, "max_trials": max_trials, "onnxruntime_session_options": onnxruntime_session_options } if framework != 'pytorch_ipex': return inc_quantize(**inc_quantize_arguments) else: try: return inc_quantize(**inc_quantize_arguments) except Exception: # use pure ipex quantization as a backup for inc ipex quantization return PytorchIPEXQuantizationModel(model, inc_calib_dataloader, q_config=q_config, input_sample=input_sample, channels_last=channels_last, thread_num=thread_num, inplace=inplace, jit_strict=jit_strict) elif accelerator == 'openvino': model_type = type(model).__name__ if not model_type == 'PytorchOpenVINOModel': if input_sample is None: # input_sample can be a dataloader input_sample = calib_dataloader # For CPU: fp32 -> int8, for GPU/VPUX: fp16 -> int8 _precision = 'fp16' if device != 'CPU' else 'fp32' if device == 'VPUX': # for fp16 on VPUX, must specify mean_value. invalidInputError('mean_value' in kwargs, "If you want to quantize with openvino on VPUX device, " "you must specify mean_value for model optimizer " "function. For more details about model optimizer, you " "can see mo --help .") model = PytorchOpenVINOModel(model, input_sample, precision=_precision, thread_num=thread_num, device=device, dynamic_axes=dynamic_axes, logging=logging, config=openvino_config, **kwargs) invalidInputError(type(model).__name__ == 'PytorchOpenVINOModel', "Invalid model to quantize. Please use a nn.Module or a model " "from InferenceOptimizer.trace(accelerator=='openvino')") drop_type = None higher_is_better = None maximal_drop = None if metric: if not isinstance(accuracy_criterion, dict): accuracy_criterion = {'relative': 0.99, 'higher_is_better': True} drop_type = 'relative' if 'relative' in accuracy_criterion else 'absolute' higher_is_better = accuracy_criterion.get('higher_is_better', None) maximal_drop = accuracy_criterion.get(drop_type, None) kwargs = { "metric": metric, "higher_better": higher_is_better, "drop_type": drop_type, "maximal_drop": maximal_drop, "max_iter_num": max_trials, # TODO following two keys are optional, if there is need, we can add them # "n_requests": None, "sample_size": sample_size } return model.pot(calib_dataloader, thread_num=thread_num, config=openvino_config, **kwargs) else: invalidInputError(False, "Accelerator {} is invalid.".format(accelerator)) if precision == 'fp16': invalidInputError('GPU' in device or device == 'VPUX', "fp16 is not supported on {} device.".format(device)) invalidInputError(accelerator == 'openvino', "fp16 is not supported on {} accelerator.".format(accelerator)) if device == 'VPUX': # for fp16 on VPUX, must specify mean_value. invalidInputError('mean_value' in kwargs, "If you want to quantize with openvino float16 precision on " "VPUX device, you must specify mean_value for model optimizer " "function. For more details about model optimizer, you can " "see mo --help .") return PytorchOpenVINOModel(model, input_sample, precision=precision, thread_num=thread_num, device=device, dynamic_axes=dynamic_axes, logging=logging, config=openvino_config, **kwargs) invalidInputError(False, "Precision {} is invalid.".format(precision))
[docs] @staticmethod def trace(model: nn.Module, input_sample=None, accelerator: Optional[str] = None, use_ipex: bool = False, channels_last: bool = False, thread_num: Optional[int] = None, device: Optional[str] = 'CPU', onnxruntime_session_options=None, openvino_config=None, simplification: bool = True, jit_strict: bool = True, jit_method: Optional[str] = None, dynamic_axes: Union[bool, dict] = True, logging: bool = True, inplace: bool = False, weights_prepack: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs): """ Trace a torch.nn.Module and convert it into an accelerated module for inference. For example, this function returns a PytorchOpenVINOModel when accelerator=='openvino'. :param model: A torch.nn.Module model, including pl.LightningModule. :param input_sample: A set of inputs for trace, defaults to None if you have trace before or model is a LightningModule with any dataloader attached. :param accelerator: The accelerator to use, defaults to None meaning staying in Pytorch backend. 'openvino', 'onnxruntime' and 'jit' are supported for now. :param use_ipex: Whether we use ipex as accelerator for inferencing. Default: False. :param channels_last: Whether use channels last memory format, i.e. NHWC (batch size, height, width, channels), as an alternative way to store tensors in classic/contiguous NCHW order. This setting only works for 4-dim Tensor. Default: ``False``. :param thread_num: (optional) An int represents how many threads(cores) is needed for inference. This parameter only controls the usage of thread number in later inference process of your obtained accelerated model. In other words, the process of model conversion won't be restricted by this parameter. :param device: (optional) A string represents the device of the inference. Default to 'CPU', only valid when accelerator='openvino', otherwise will be ignored. 'CPU', 'GPU' are supported for now. :param onnxruntime_session_options: The session option for onnxruntime, only valid when accelerator='onnxruntime', otherwise will be ignored. :param openvino_config: The config to be inputted in core.compile_model. Only valid when accelerator='openvino', otherwise will be ignored. :param simplification: Whether we use onnxsim to simplify the ONNX model, only valid when accelerator='onnxruntime', otherwise will be ignored. If this option is set to True, new dependency 'onnxsim' need to be installed. :param jit_strict: Whether recording your mutable container types. This parameter will be passed to ``torch.jit.trace``. if ``accelerator != 'jit'`` or ``jit_method='script'``, it will be ignored. Default to True. :param jit_method: Whether to use ``jit.trace`` or ``jit.script`` to convert a model to TorchScript. Accepected values are ``'trace'``, ``'script'``, and ``None``. Default to be ``None`` meaning the try-except logic to use ``jit.trace`` or ``jit.script``. If ``accelerator != 'jit'``, this parameter will be ignored. :param dynamic_axes: dict or boolean, default to True. By default the exported onnx model will have the first dim of each Tensor input as a dynamic batch_size. If dynamic_axes=False, the exported model will have the shapes of all input and output tensors set to exactly match those given in input_sample. To specify axes of tensors as dynamic (i.e. known only at run-time), set dynamic_axes to a dict with schema: | KEY (str): an input or output name. Each name must also be provided | in input_names or output_names. | | VALUE (dict or list): If a dict, keys are axis indices and values | are axis names. If a list, each element is an axis index. If accelerator != 'openvino'/'onnxruntime', it will be ignored. :param logging: Whether to log detailed information of model conversion, only valid when accelerator='openvino', otherwise will be ignored. Default: ``True``. :param inplace: whether to perform inplace optimization. Default: ``False``. :param weights_prepack: Whether to perform weight prepack for convolution and linear to avoid oneDNN weights reorder. The default value is None. Explicitly setting this knob overwrites the configuration set by level knob. Only valid when ``use_ipex=True``, otherwise will be ignored. You can try to reduce the occupied memory size by setting this parameter to ``False``. :param **kwargs: Other extra advanced settings include: 1. those be passed to torch.onnx.export function, only valid when accelerator='onnxruntime'/'openvino', otherwise will be ignored. Possible arguments are: input_names, output_names, opset_version, et al. For more details, please refer 2. those be passed to model optimizer function of openvino, only valid when accelerator='openvino', otherwise will be ignored. Possible arguments are: mean_values, layout, input, output, et al. For more details about model optimizer, you can see mo --help . :return: Model with different acceleration. """ invalidInputError( isinstance(model, nn.Module) and not isinstance(model, AcceleratedLightningModule), "Expect a nn.Module instance that is not traced or quantized" "but got type {}".format(type(model)) ) # device name might be: CPU, GPU, GPU.0 ... invalidInputError(device == 'CPU' or 'GPU' in device, "Now we only support fp32 for CPU and GPU, not {}".format(device)) if device != 'CPU' and accelerator != 'openvino': invalidInputError(False, "Now we only support {} device when accelerator " "is openvino.".format(device)) if accelerator == 'openvino': # openvino backend will not care about ipex usage final_openvino_option = {"INFERENCE_PRECISION_HINT": "f32"} if openvino_config is not None: final_openvino_option.update(openvino_config) return PytorchOpenVINOModel(model, input_sample, thread_num=thread_num, device=device, dynamic_axes=dynamic_axes, logging=logging, config=final_openvino_option, **kwargs) if accelerator == 'onnxruntime': # onnxruntime backend will not care about ipex usage if onnxruntime_session_options is None: import onnxruntime onnxruntime_session_options = onnxruntime.SessionOptions() if thread_num is not None: onnxruntime_session_options.intra_op_num_threads = thread_num onnxruntime_session_options.inter_op_num_threads = thread_num return PytorchONNXRuntimeModel(model, input_sample, onnxruntime_session_options, simplification=simplification, dynamic_axes=dynamic_axes, **kwargs) if accelerator == 'jit' or use_ipex is True or channels_last is True: if use_ipex: invalidInputError(not TORCH_VERSION_LESS_1_10, "torch version should >=1.10 to use ipex") use_jit = (accelerator == "jit") if use_jit: invalidInputError(jit_method in [None, 'trace', 'script'], "jit_method {} is invalid.".format(jit_method)) return PytorchIPEXJITModel(model, input_sample=input_sample, use_ipex=use_ipex, use_jit=use_jit, channels_last=channels_last, thread_num=thread_num, inplace=inplace, jit_strict=jit_strict, jit_method=jit_method, weights_prepack=weights_prepack) invalidInputError(False, "Accelerator {} is invalid.".format(accelerator))
[docs] @staticmethod def get_context(model: nn.Module, *models): """ Obtain corresponding context manager from (multi) model, defaults to BaseContextManager(). :param model: Any model of torch.nn.Module, including all models accelareted by InferenceOptimizer.trace/InferenceOptimizer.quantize. :param models: Any model of torch.nn.Module or list of torch.nn.Module, including all models accelareted by InferenceOptimizer.trace/InferenceOptimizer.quantize. :return: a context manager if there is no conflict between context managers, otherwise will report RuntimeError. """ def obtain_manager(input_model): if hasattr(input_model, "_nano_context_manager"): _context_manager = input_model._nano_context_manager else: _context_manager = generate_context_manager(accelerator=None, precision="fp32") return _context_manager def join_manager(manager1, manager2): def is_bf16(x): return isinstance(x, AutocastContextManager) if (is_bf16(manager1) ^ is_bf16(manager2)) is True: warnings.warn("Only one of the context managers uses mixed precision, " "and we will return the context manager with mixed precision.") manager = None if is_bf16(manager1) or is_bf16(manager2): manager = AutocastContextManager() else: manager = BaseContextManager() thread_num1 = manager1.thread_num thread_num2 = manager2.thread_num if thread_num1 != thread_num2: if thread_num1 is None or thread_num2 is None: warnings.warn("One of the two models has thread control and the other " "does not. The returned context manager will be dominated " "by the non-None one.") else: warnings.warn("These context managers have different thread_num. We will " "set thread_num to the larger one.") if thread_num1 is None or thread_num2 > thread_num1: manager.thread_num = thread_num2 else: manager.thread_num = thread_num1 else: manager.thread_num = thread_num1 return manager _context_manager = obtain_manager(model) if len(models) == 0: # only single model return _context_manager else: for model_ in models: if isinstance(model_, nn.Module): new_manager = obtain_manager(model_) _context_manager = join_manager(_context_manager, new_manager) return _context_manager
[docs] @staticmethod def save(model: nn.Module, path): """ Save the model to local file. :param model: Any model of torch.nn.Module, including all models accelareted by InferenceOptimizer.trace/InferenceOptimizer.quantize. :param path: Path to saved model. Path should be a directory. """ save_model(model, path)
[docs] @staticmethod def load(path, model: Optional[nn.Module] = None, inplace=False, device=None): """ Load a model from local. :param path: Path to model to be loaded. Path should be a directory. :param model: Required FP32 model to load pytorch model, it is needed if you accelerated the model with accelerator=None by InferenceOptimizer.trace/ InferenceOptimizer.quantize. model should be set to None if you choose accelerator="onnxruntime"/"openvino"/"jit". :param inplace: whether to perform inplace optimization. Default: ``False``. :param device: A string represents the device of the inference. Default to None. Only valid for openvino model, otherwise will be ignored. :return: Model with different acceleration(None/OpenVINO/ONNX Runtime/JIT) or precision(FP32/FP16/BF16/INT8). """ return load_model(path, model, inplace=inplace, device=device)
[docs] @staticmethod def to_multi_instance(model: nn.Module, num_processes: int = 4, cores_per_process: int = None, cpu_for_each_process: List[List[int]] = None) -> _MultiInstanceModel: """ Transform a model to multi-instance inference model. :param model: The model to transform. :param num_processes: The number of processes to use, default to 4. :param cores_per_process: Number of CPU cores used by each process, default to `None`, means decided automatically. :param cpu_for_each_process: Specify the CPU cores used by each process, default to `None`, if set, it will override `num_processes` and `cores_per_process`. :return: Model with multi-instance inference acceleration. """ invalidInputError(isinstance(num_processes, int) and num_processes > 0, "num_processes must be a positive integer") # if num_processes == 1 and no core specification, we will use current process directly if num_processes == 1 and cpu_for_each_process is None and cores_per_process is None: warnings.warn("Will run inference in current process directly " "because the `num_processes` is 1") return _MultiInstanceModel(model, None, None, None, None) p_num = num_processes if cpu_for_each_process is None else len(cpu_for_each_process) # else we will start multiple sub-processes send_queue = mp.Queue() recv_queue = mp.Queue() next_idx = mp.Value('i', 0, lock=True) KMP_AFFINITY = os.environ.get("KMP_AFFINITY", "") OMP_NUM_THREADS = os.environ.get("OMP_NUM_THREADS", "") if cpu_for_each_process is None: if cores_per_process is None: envs = schedule_processors(p_num) else: envs = [{ "KMP_AFFINITY": f"granularity=fine,proclist=" f"[{i*cores_per_process}-{(i+1)*cores_per_process-1}]" f",explicit", "OMP_NUM_THREADS": str(cores_per_process) } for i in range(p_num)] else: envs = [{ "KMP_AFFINITY": f"granularity=fine,proclist=" f"[{','.join([str(i) for i in cpu_for_each_process[i]])}]" f",explicit", "OMP_NUM_THREADS": str(len(cpu_for_each_process[i])) } for i in range(p_num)] ps = [] for i in range(p_num): os.environ["KMP_AFFINITY"] = envs[i]['KMP_AFFINITY'] os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = envs[i]['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] p = mp.Process(target=_multi_instance_helper, args=(model, send_queue, recv_queue, next_idx), daemon=True) p.start() ps.append(p) os.environ["KMP_AFFINITY"] = KMP_AFFINITY os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = OMP_NUM_THREADS return _MultiInstanceModel(model, ps, send_queue, recv_queue, next_idx)
def _signature_check(function): ''' A quick helper to judge whether input function is following this calling method `metric(pred, target)`. ''' import inspect sig = inspect.signature(function) if len(sig.parameters.values()) < 2: return False param1_name = list(sig.parameters.values())[0].name param2_name = list(sig.parameters.values())[1].name if "pred" in param1_name and "target" in param2_name: return True return False def _accuracy_calculate_helper(model, metric, data): ''' A quick helper to calculate accuracy ''' if isinstance(metric, Metric) or _signature_check(metric) is True: invalidInputError(data is not None, "Validation data can't be None when you pass a " "torchmetrics.Metric object or similar callable " "object which takes prediction and target as input.") metric = NanoMetric(metric) return metric(model, data) else: if data is None: return metric(model) else: return metric(model, data) def _obtain_combinations(all_combinations, precision, accelerator, use_ipex): new_combinations = {} new_combinations["original"] = all_combinations["original"] for method, option in all_combinations.items(): if precision is not None: if option.get_precision() not in precision: continue if accelerator is not None: if option.get_accelerator() not in accelerator: continue if use_ipex is not None: if option.ipex != use_ipex: continue new_combinations[method] = option return new_combinations