Source code for bigdl.chronos.forecaster.tcmf_forecaster

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from bigdl.chronos.model.tcmf_model import TCMFNdarrayModelWrapper, \
from import SparkXShards
from bigdl.chronos.forecaster.abstract import Forecaster

[docs]class TCMFForecaster(Forecaster): """ Example: >>> import numpy as np >>> model = TCMFForecaster() >>> fit_params = dict(val_len=12, start_date="2020-1-1", freq="5min", y_iters=1, init_FX_epoch=1, max_FX_epoch=1, max_TCN_epoch=1, alt_iters=2) >>> ndarray_input = {'id': np.arange(300), 'y': np.random.rand(300, 480)} >>>, fit_params) >>> horizon = np.random.randint(1, 50) >>> yhat = model.predict(horizon=horizon) >>>{tempdirname}) >>> loaded_model = TCMFForecaster.load({tempdirname}, is_xshards_distributed=False) >>> data_new = np.random.rand(300, horizon) >>> model.evaluate(target_value=dict({"y": data_new}), metric=['mse']) >>> model.fit_incremental({"y": data_new}) >>> yhat_incr = model.predict(horizon=horizon) """ def __init__(self, vbsize=128, hbsize=256, num_channels_X=[32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 1], num_channels_Y=[16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 1], kernel_size=7, dropout=0.1, rank=64, kernel_size_Y=7, learning_rate=0.0005, normalize=False, use_time=True, svd=True,): """ Build a TCMF Forecast Model. :param vbsize: int, default is 128. Vertical batch size, which is the number of cells per batch. :param hbsize: int, default is 256. Horizontal batch size, which is the number of time series per batch. :param num_channels_X: list, default=[32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 1]. List containing channel progression of temporal convolution network for local model :param num_channels_Y: list, default=[16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 1] List containing channel progression of temporal convolution network for hybrid model. :param kernel_size: int, default is 7. Kernel size for local models :param dropout: float, default is 0.1. Dropout rate during training :param rank: int, default is 64. The rank in matrix factorization of global model. :param kernel_size_Y: int, default is 7. Kernel size of hybrid model :param learning_rate: float, default is 0.0005 :param normalize: boolean, false by default. Whether to normalize input data for training. :param use_time: boolean, default is True. Whether to use time coveriates. :param svd: boolean, default is False. Whether factor matrices are initialized by NMF """ self.internal = None self.config = { "vbsize": vbsize, "hbsize": hbsize, "num_channels_X": num_channels_X, "num_channels_Y": num_channels_Y, "kernel_size": kernel_size, "dropout": dropout, "rank": rank, "kernel_size_Y": kernel_size_Y, "learning_rate": learning_rate, "normalize": normalize, "use_time": use_time, "svd": svd, }
[docs] def fit(self, x, val_len=24, start_date="2020-4-1", freq="1H", covariates=None, dti=None, period=24, y_iters=10, init_FX_epoch=100, max_FX_epoch=300, max_TCN_epoch=300, alt_iters=10, num_workers=None): """ Fit the model on x from scratch :param x: the input for fit. Only dict of ndarray and SparkXShards of dict of ndarray are supported. Example: {'id': id_arr, 'y': data_ndarray}, and data_ndarray is of shape (n, T), where n is the number f target time series and T is the number of time steps. :param val_len: int, default is 24. Validation length. We will use the last val_len time points as validation data. :param start_date: str or datetime-like. Start date time for the time-series. e.g. "2020-01-01" :param freq: str or DateOffset, default is 'H' Frequency of data :param covariates: 2-D ndarray or None. The shape of ndarray should be (r, T), where r is the number of covariates and T is the number of time points. Global covariates for all time series. If None, only default time coveriates will be used while use_time is True. If not, the time coveriates used is the stack of input covariates and default time coveriates. :param dti: DatetimeIndex or None. If None, use default fixed frequency DatetimeIndex generated with start_date and freq. :param period: int, default is 24. Periodicity of input time series, leave it out if not known :param y_iters: int, default is 10. Number of iterations while training the hybrid model. :param init_FX_epoch: int, default is 100. Number of iterations while initializing factors :param max_FX_epoch: int, default is 300. Max number of iterations while training factors. :param max_TCN_epoch: int, default is 300. Max number of iterations while training the local model. :param alt_iters: int, default is 10. Number of iterations while alternate training. :param num_workers: the number of workers you want to use for fit. If None, it defaults to num_ray_nodes in the created RayContext or 1 if there is no active RayContext. """ if self.internal is None: if isinstance(x, SparkXShards): self.internal = TCMFXshardsModelWrapper(self.config) elif isinstance(x, dict): self.internal = TCMFNdarrayModelWrapper(self.config) else: raise ValueError("value of x should be a dict of ndarray or " "an xShards of dict of ndarray") try:, num_workers=num_workers, val_len=val_len, start_date=start_date, freq=freq, covariates=covariates, dti=dti, period=period, y_iters=y_iters, init_FX_epoch=init_FX_epoch, max_FX_epoch=max_FX_epoch, max_TCN_epoch=max_TCN_epoch, alt_iters=alt_iters, ) except Exception as inst: self.internal = None raise inst else: raise Exception("This model has already been fully trained, " "you can only run full training once.")
[docs] def fit_incremental(self, x_incr, covariates_incr=None, dti_incr=None): """ Incrementally fit the model. Note that we only incrementally fit X_seq (TCN in global model) :param x_incr: incremental data to be fitted. It should be of the same format as input x in fit, which is a dict of ndarray or SparkXShards of dict of ndarray. Example: {'id': id_arr, 'y': incr_ndarray}, and incr_ndarray is of shape (n, T_incr) , where n is the number of target time series, T_incr is the number of time steps incremented. You can choose not to input 'id' in x_incr, but if you do, the elements of id in x_incr should be the same as id in x of fit. :param covariates_incr: covariates corresponding to x_incr. 2-D ndarray or None. The shape of ndarray should be (r, T_incr), where r is the number of covariates. Global covariates for all time series. If None, only default time coveriates will be used while use_time is True. If not, the time coveriates used is the stack of input covariates and default time coveriates. :param dti_incr: dti corresponding to the x_incr. DatetimeIndex or None. If None, use default fixed frequency DatetimeIndex generated with the last date of x in fit and freq. """ self.internal.fit_incremental(x_incr, covariates_incr=covariates_incr, dti_incr=dti_incr)
[docs] def evaluate(self, target_value, metric=['mae'], target_covariates=None, target_dti=None, num_workers=None, ): """ Evaluate the model :param target_value: target value for evaluation. We interpret its second dimension of as the horizon length for evaluation. :param metric: the metrics. A list of metric names. :param target_covariates: covariates corresponding to target_value. 2-D ndarray or None. The shape of ndarray should be (r, horizon), where r is the number of covariates. Global covariates for all time series. If None, only default time coveriates will be used while use_time is True. If not, the time coveriates used is the stack of input covariates and default time coveriates. :param target_dti: dti corresponding to target_value. DatetimeIndex or None. If None, use default fixed frequency DatetimeIndex generated with the last date of x in fit and freq. :param num_workers: the number of workers to use in evaluate. If None, it defaults to num_ray_nodes in the created RayContext or 1 if there is no active RayContext. :return: A list of evaluation results. Each item represents a metric. """ return self.internal.evaluate(y=target_value, metric=metric, target_covariates=target_covariates, target_dti=target_dti, num_workers=num_workers)
[docs] def predict(self, horizon=24, future_covariates=None, future_dti=None, num_workers=None, ): """ Predict using a trained forecaster. :param horizon: horizon length to look forward. :param future_covariates: covariates corresponding to future horizon steps data to predict. 2-D ndarray or None. The shape of ndarray should be (r, horizon), where r is the number of covariates. Global covariates for all time series. If None, only default time coveriates will be used while use_time is True. If not, the time coveriates used is the stack of input covariates and default time coveriates. :param future_dti: dti corresponding to future horizon steps data to predict. DatetimeIndex or None. If None, use default fixed frequency DatetimeIndex generated with the last date of x in fit and freq. :param num_workers: the number of workers to use in predict. If None, it defaults to num_ray_nodes in the created RayContext or 1 if there is no active RayContext. :return: A numpy ndarray with shape of (nd, horizon), where nd is the same number of time series as input x in fit_eval. """ if self.internal is None: raise Exception("You should run fit before calling predict()") else: return self.internal.predict(horizon, future_covariates=future_covariates, future_dti=future_dti, num_workers=num_workers)
[docs] def save(self, path): """ Save the forecaster. :param path: Path to target saved file. """ if self.internal is None: raise Exception("You should run fit before calling save()") else:
[docs] def is_xshards_distributed(self): """ Check whether model is distributed by input xshards. :return: True if the model is distributed by input xshards """ if self.internal is None: raise ValueError( "You should run fit before calling is_xshards_distributed()") else: return self.internal.is_xshards_distributed()
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, path, is_xshards_distributed=False, minPartitions=None): """ Load a saved model. :param path: The location you want to save the forecaster. :param is_xshards_distributed: Whether the model is distributed trained with input of dict of SparkXshards. :param minPartitions: The minimum partitions for the XShards. :return: the model loaded """ loaded_model = TCMFForecaster() if is_xshards_distributed: loaded_model.internal = TCMFXshardsModelWrapper( loaded_model.config) loaded_model.internal.load(path, minPartitions=minPartitions) else: loaded_model.internal = TCMFNdarrayModelWrapper( loaded_model.config) loaded_model.internal.load(path) return loaded_model