Cluster Serving ========================= BigDL Cluster Serving is a lightweight distributed, real-time serving solution that supports a wide range of deep learning models (such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, Caffe, BigDL and OpenVINO models). It provides a simple pub/sub API, so that the users can easily send their inference requests to the input queue (using a simple Python API); Cluster Serving will then automatically manage the scale-out and real-time model inference across a large cluster (using distributed streaming frameworks such as Apache Spark Streaming, Apache Flink, etc.) ---------------------- .. grid:: 1 2 2 2 :gutter: 2 .. grid-item-card:: **Get Started** ^^^ Documents in these sections helps you getting started quickly with Serving. +++ :bdg-link:`Serving in 5 minutes <./QuickStart/serving-quickstart.html>` | :bdg-link:`Installation <./ProgrammingGuide/serving-installation.html>` .. grid-item-card:: **Key Features Guide** ^^^ Each guide in this section provides you with in-depth information, concepts and knowledges about DLLib key features. +++ :bdg-link:`Start Serving <./ProgrammingGuide/serving-start.html>` | :bdg-link:`Inference <./ProgrammingGuide/serving-inference.html>` .. grid-item-card:: **Examples** ^^^ Cluster Serving Examples and Tutorials. +++ :bdg-link:`Examples <./Example/example.html>` .. grid-item-card:: **MISC** ^^^ Cluster Serving +++ :bdg-link:`FAQ <./FAQ/faq.html>` | :bdg-link:`Contribute <./FAQ/contribute-guide.html>` .. toctree:: :hidden: Cluster Serving Document