# Nano Known Issues ## PyTorch Issues ### AttributeError: module 'distutils' has no attribute 'version' This usually is because the latest setuptools does not compatible with PyTorch 1.9. You can downgrade setuptools to 58.0.4 to solve this problem. For example, if your `setuptools` is installed by conda, you can run: ```bash conda install setuptools==58.0.4 ``` ### error while loading shared libraries: libunwind.so.8 You may see this error message when running `source bigdl-nano-init` ``` Sed: error while loading shared libraries: libunwind.so.8: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory. ``` You can use the following command to fix this issue. * `apt-get install libunwind8-dev` ### Bus error (core dumped) in multi-instance training with spawn distributed backend This usually is because you did not set enough shared memory size in your docker container. You can increase `--shm-size` to a larger value, e.g. a few GB, to your `docker run` command, or use `--ipc=host`. If you are running in k8s, you can mount larger storage in `/dev/shm`. For example, you can add the following `volume` and `volumeMount` in your pod and container definition. ```yaml spec: containers: ... volumeMounts: - mountPath: /dev/shm name: cache-volume volumes: - emptyDir: medium: Memory sizeLimit: 8Gi name: cache-volume ``` ## TensorFlow Issues ### ValueError: Calling `Model.xxx` in graph mode is not supported when the `Model` instance was constructed with eager mode enabled. Nano keras only supports running in eager mode, if you are using graph mode, please make sure not to import anything from `bigdl.nano.tf`. ### Nano keras multi-instance training currently does not suport tensorflow dataset.from_generators, numpy_function, py_function Nano keras multi-instance training will serialize TensorFlow dataset object into a `graph.pb` file, which does not work with `dataset.from_generators`, `dataset.numpy_function`, `dataset.py_function` due to limitations in TensorFlow. ### RuntimeError: A keras.Model for quantization must include Input layers. You may meet this error when running quantization, INC quantization doesn't support model without `Input` layer, you can use OpenVINO or ONNXRuntime in this case, i.e. `InferenceOptimizer.quantize(model, accelerator="openvino", ...)` or `InferenceOptimizer.quantize(model, accelerator="onnxruntime", ...)` ### RuntimeError: Inter op parallelism cannot be modified after initialization If you meet this error when import `bigdl.nano.tf`, it could be that you have already run some TensorFlow code that set the inter/intra op parallelism, such as `tfds.load`. You can try to workaround this issue by trying to import `bigdl.nano.tf` first before running TensorFlow code. See https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/57812 for more information. ## Ray Issues ### protobuf version error Now `pip install ray[default]==1.11.0` will install `google-api-core>=2.10.0`, which depends on `protobuf>=3.20.1`. However, nano depends on `protobuf==3.19.4`, so you will meet this error if you install `ray` after `bigdl-nano`. The solution is `pip install google-api-core==2.8.2` before installing `ray`.