# Install BigDL-Nano in Google Colab ```eval_rst .. note:: This page is still a work in progress. ``` In this guide, we will show you how to install BigDL-Nano in Google Colab, and the solutions to possible version conflicts caused by pre-installed packages in Colab hosted runtime. Please select the corresponding section to follow for your specific usage. ## PyTorch For PyTorch users, you need to install BigDL-Nano for PyTorch first: ```eval_rst .. tabs:: .. tab:: Latest .. code-block:: python !pip install bigdl-nano[pytorch] .. tab:: Nightly-Built .. code-block:: python !pip install --pre --upgrade bigdl-nano[pytorch] ``` ```eval_rst .. warning:: For Google Colab hosted runtime, ``source bigdl-nano-init`` is hardly to take effect as environment variables need to be set before jupyter kernel is started. ``` To avoid version conflicts caused by `torchtext`, you should uninstall it: ```python !pip uninstall -y torchtext ``` ### ONNXRuntime To enable ONNXRuntime acceleration, you need to install corresponding onnx packages: ```python !pip install onnx onnxruntime ``` ### OpenVINO / Post-training Optimization Tools (POT) To enable OpenVINO acceleration, or use POT for quantization, you need to install the OpenVINO toolkit: ```python !pip install openvino-dev # Please remember to restart runtime to use packages with newly-installed version ``` ```eval_rst .. note:: If you meet ``ValueError: numpy.ndarray size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility. Expected 88 from C header, got 80 from PyObject`` when using ``InferenceOptimizer.trace`` or ``InferenceOptimizer.quantize`` function, you could try to solve it by upgrading ``numpy`` through: .. code-block:: python !pip install --upgrade numpy # Please remember to restart runtime to use numpy with newly-installed version ``` ### Intel Neural Compressor (INC) To use INC as your quantization backend, you need to install it: ```eval_rst .. tabs:: .. tab:: With no Extra Runtime Acceleration .. code-block:: python !pip install neural-compressor==1.11.0 .. tab:: With Extra ONNXRuntime Acceleration .. code-block:: python !pip install neural-compressor==1.11.0 onnx onnxruntime onnxruntime_extensions ```