## Serving Recommendation Framework ### Architecture of the serving pipelines The diagram below demonstrates the components of the friesian serving system, which typically consists of three stages: - Offline: Preprocess the data to get user/item DNN features and user/item Embedding features. Then use the embedding features and embedding model to get embedding vectors. - Nearline: Retrieve user/item profiles and keep them in the Key-Value store. Retrieve item embedding vectors and build the faiss index. Make updates to the profiles from time to time. - Online: Trigger the recommendation process whenever a user comes. Recall service generate candidates from millions of items based on embeddings and the deep learning model ranks the candidates for the final recommendation results. ![](../../../image/friesian_architecture.png) ### Services and APIs The friesian serving system consists of 4 types of services: - Ranking Service: performs model inference and returns the results. - `rpc doPredict(Content) returns (Prediction) {}` - Input: The `encodeStr` is a Base64 string encoded from a bigdl [Activity](https://github.com/intel-analytics/BigDL/blob/branch-2.0/scala/dllib/src/main/scala/com/intel/analytics/bigdl/dllib/nn/abstractnn/Activity.scala) serialized byte array. ```bash message Content { string encodedStr = 1; } ``` - Output: The `predictStr` is a Base64 string encoded from a bigdl [Activity](https://github.com/intel-analytics/BigDL/blob/branch-2.0/scala/dllib/src/main/scala/com/intel/analytics/bigdl/dllib/nn/abstractnn/Activity.scala) (the inference result) serialized byte array. ```bash message Prediction { string predictStr = 1; } ``` - Feature Service: searches user embeddings, user features or item features in Redis, and returns the features. - `rpc getUserFeatures(IDs) returns (Features) {}` and `rpc getItemFeatures(IDs) returns (Features) {}` - Input: The user/item id list for searching. ```bash message IDs { repeated int32 ID = 1; } ``` - Output: `colNames` is a string list of the column names. `b64Feature` is a list of Base64 string, each string is encoded from java serialized array of objects. `ID` is a list of ids corresponding `b64Feature`. ```bash message Features { repeated string colNames = 1; repeated string b64Feature = 2; repeated int32 ID = 3; } ``` - Recall Service: searches item candidates in the built faiss index and returns candidates id list. - `rpc searchCandidates(Query) returns (Candidates) {}` - Input: `userID` is the id of the user to search similar item candidates. `k` is the number of candidates. ```bash message Query { int32 userID = 1; int32 k = 2; } ``` - Output: `candidate` is the list of ids of item candidates. ```bash message Candidates { repeated int32 candidate = 1; } ``` - Recommender Service: gets candidates from the recall service, calls the feature service to get the user and item candidate's features, then sorts the inference results from ranking service and returns the top recommendNum items. - `rpc getRecommendIDs(RecommendRequest) returns (RecommendIDProbs) {}` - Input: `ID` is a list of user ids to recommend. `recommendNum` is the number of items to recommend. `candidateNum` is the number of generated candidates to inference in ranking service. ```bash message RecommendRequest { int32 recommendNum = 1; int32 candidateNum = 2; repeated int32 ID = 3; } ``` - Output: `IDProbList` is a list of results corresponding to user `ID` in input. Each `IDProbs` consists of `ID` and `prob`, `ID` is the list of item ids, and `prob` is the corresponding probability. ```bash message RecommendIDProbs { repeated IDProbs IDProbList = 1; } message IDProbs { repeated int32 ID = 1; repeated float prob = 2; } ``` ### Quick Start You can run Friesian Serving Recommendation Framework using the official Docker images. You can follow the following steps to run the WnD demo. 1. Pull docker image from dockerhub ```bash docker pull intelanalytics/friesian-grpc:0.0.2 ``` 2. Run & enter docker container ```bash docker run -itd --name friesian --net=host intelanalytics/friesian-grpc:0.0.2 docker exec -it friesian bash ``` 3. Add vec_feature_user_prediction.parquet, vec_feature_item_prediction.parquet, wnd model, wnd_item.parquet and wnd_user.parquet (You can check [the schema of the parquet files](#schema-of-the-parquet-files)) 4. Start ranking service ```bash export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 java -cp bigdl-friesian-serving-spark_2.4.6-0.14.0-SNAPSHOT.jar com.intel.analytics.bigdl.friesian.serving.ranking.RankingServer -c config_ranking.yaml > logs/inf.log 2>&1 & ``` 5. Start feature service for recommender service ```bash ./redis-5.0.5/src/redis-server & java -Dspark.master=local[*] -cp bigdl-friesian-serving-spark_2.4.6-0.14.0-SNAPSHOT.jar com.intel.analytics.bigdl.friesian.serving.feature.FeatureServer -c config_feature.yaml > logs/feature.log 2>&1 & ``` 6. Start feature service for recall service ```bash java -Dspark.master=local[*] -cp bigdl-friesian-serving-spark_2.4.6-0.14.0-SNAPSHOT.jar com.intel.analytics.bigdl.friesian.serving.feature.FeatureServer -c config_feature_vec.yaml > logs/fea_recall.log 2>&1 & ``` 7. Start recall service ```bash java -Dspark.master=local[*] -Dspark.driver.maxResultSize=2G -cp bigdl-friesian-serving-spark_2.4.6-0.14.0-SNAPSHOT.jar com.intel.analytics.bigdl.friesian.serving.recall.RecallServer -c config_recall.yaml > logs/vec.log 2>&1 & ``` 8. Start recommender service ```bash java -cp bigdl-friesian-serving-spark_2.4.6-0.14.0-SNAPSHOT.jar com.intel.analytics.bigdl.friesian.serving.recommender.RecommenderServer -c config_recommender.yaml > logs/rec.log 2>&1 & ``` 9. Check if the services are running ```bash ps aux|grep friesian ``` You will see 5 processes start with 'java' 10. Run client to test ```bash java -Dspark.master=local[*] -cp bigdl-friesian-serving-spark_2.4.6-0.14.0-SNAPSHOT.jar com.intel.analytics.bigdl.friesian.serving.recommender.RecommenderMultiThreadClient -target localhost:8980 -dataDir wnd_user.parquet -k 50 -clientNum 4 -testNum 2 ``` 11. Close services ```bash ps aux|grep friesian (find the service pid) kill xxx (pid of the service which should be closed) ``` ### Schema of the parquet files #### The schema of the user and item embedding files The embedding parquet files should contain at least 2 columns, id column and prediction column. The id column should be IntegerType and the column name should be specified in the config files. The prediction column should be DenseVector type, and you can transfer your existing embedding vectors using pyspark: ```python from pyspark.sql import SparkSession from pyspark.sql.functions import udf, col from pyspark.ml.linalg import VectorUDT, DenseVector spark = SparkSession.builder \ .master("local[*]") \ .config("spark.driver.memory", "2g") \ .getOrCreate() df = spark.read.parquet("data_path") def trans_densevector(data): return DenseVector(data) vector_udf = udf(lambda x: trans_densevector(x), VectorUDT()) # suppose the embedding column (ArrayType(FloatType,true)) is the existing user/item embedding. df = df.withColumn("prediction", vector_udf(col("embedding"))) df.write.parquet("output_file_path", mode="overwrite") ``` #### The schema of the recommendation model feature files The feature parquet files should contain at least 2 columns, the id column and other feature columns. The feature columns can be int, float, double, long and array of int, float, double and long. Here is an example of the WideAndDeep model feature. ```bash +-------------+--------+--------+----------+--------------------------------+---------------------------------+------------+-----------+---------+----------------------+-----------------------------+ |present_media|language|tweet_id|tweet_type|engaged_with_user_follower_count|engaged_with_user_following_count|len_hashtags|len_domains|len_links|present_media_language|engaged_with_user_is_verified| +-------------+--------+--------+----------+--------------------------------+---------------------------------+------------+-----------+---------+----------------------+-----------------------------+ | 9| 43| 924| 2| 6| 3| 0.0| 0.1| 0.1| 45| 1| | 0| 6| 4741724| 2| 3| 3| 0.0| 0.0| 0.0| 527| 0| +-------------+--------+--------+----------+--------------------------------+---------------------------------+------------+-----------+---------+----------------------+-----------------------------+ ``` ### The data schema in Redis The user features, item features and user embedding vectors are saved in Redis. The data saved in Redis is a key-value set. #### Key in Redis The key in Redis consists of 3 parts: key prefix, data type, and data id. - Key prefix is `redisKeyPrefix` specified in the feature service config file. - Data type is one of `user` or `item`. - Data id is the value of `userIDColumn` or `itemIDColumn`. Here is an example of key: `2tower_user:29` #### Value in Redis A row in the input parquet file will be converted to java array of object, then serialized into byte array, and encoded into Base64 string. #### Data schema entry Every key prefix and data type combination has its data schema entry to save the corresponding column names. The key of the schema entry is `keyPrefix + dataType`, such as `2tower_user`. The value of the schema entry is a string of column names separated by `,`, such as `enaging_user_follower_count,enaging_user_following_count,enaging_user_is_verified`. ### Config for different service You can pass some important information to services using `-c config.yaml` ```bash java -Dspark.master=local[*] -Dspark.driver.maxResultSize=2G -cp bigdl-friesian-serving-spark_2.4.6-0.14.0-SNAPSHOT.jar com.intel.analytics.bigdl.friesian.serving.recall.RecallServer -c config_recall.yaml ``` #### Ranking Service Config Config with example: ```yaml # Default: 8980, which port to create the server servicePort: 8083 # Default: 0, open a port for prometheus monitoring tool, if set, user can check the # performance using prometheus monitorPort: 1234 # model path must be provided modelPath: /home/yina/Documents/model/recys2021/wnd_813/recsys_wnd # default: null, savedmodel input list if the model is tf savedmodel. If not provided, the inputs # of the savedmodel will be arranged in alphabetical order savedModelInputs: serving_default_input_1:0, serving_default_input_2:0, serving_default_input_3:0, serving_default_input_4:0, serving_default_input_5:0, serving_default_input_6:0, serving_default_input_7:0, serving_default_input_8:0, serving_default_input_9:0, serving_default_input_10:0, serving_default_input_11:0, serving_default_input_12:0, serving_default_input_13:0 # default: 1, number of models used in inference service modelParallelism: 4 ``` ##### Feature Service Config Config with example: 1. load data into redis. Search data from redis ```yaml ### Basic setting # Default: 8980, which port to create the server servicePort: 8082 # Default: null, open a port for prometheus monitoring tool, if set, user can check the # performance using prometheus monitorPort: 1235 # 'kv' or 'inference' default: kv serviceType: kv # default: false, if need to load initial data to redis, set true loadInitialData: true # default: "", prefix for redis key redisKeyPrefix: # default: 0, item slot type on redis cluster. 0 means slot number use the default value 16384, 1 means all keys save to same slot, 2 means use the last character of id as hash tag. redisClusterItemSlotType: 2 # default: null, if loadInitialData=true, initialUserDataPath or initialItemDataPath must be # provided. Only support parquet file initialUserDataPath: /home/yina/Documents/data/recsys/preprocess_output/wnd_user.parquet initialItemDataPath: /home/yina/Documents/data/recsys/preprocess_output/wnd_exp1/wnd_item.parquet # default: null, if loadInitialData=true and initialUserDataPath != null, userIDColumn and # userFeatureColumns must be provided userIDColumn: enaging_user_id userFeatureColumns: enaging_user_follower_count,enaging_user_following_count # default: null, if loadInitialData=true and initialItemDataPath != null, userIDColumn and # userFeatureColumns must be provided itemIDColumn: tweet_id itemFeatureColumns: present_media, language, tweet_id, hashtags, present_links, present_domains, tweet_type, engaged_with_user_follower_count,engaged_with_user_following_count, len_hashtags, len_domains, len_links, present_media_language, tweet_id_engaged_with_user_id # default: null, user model path or item model path must be provided if serviceType # contains 'inference'. If serviceType=kv, usermodelPath, itemModelPath and modelParallelism will # be ignored # userModelPath: # default: null, user model path or item model path must be provided if serviceType # contains 'inference'. If serviceType=kv, usermodelPath, itemModelPath and modelParallelism will # be ignored # itemModelPath: # default: 1, number of models used for inference # modelParallelism: ### Redis Configuration # default: localhost:6379 # redisUrl: # default: 256, JedisPoolMaxTotal # redisPoolMaxTotal: ``` 2. load user features into redis. Get features from redis, use model at 'userModelPath' to do inference and get the user embedding ```yaml ### Basic setting # Default: 8980, which port to create the server servicePort: 8085 # Default: null, open a port for prometheus monitoring tool, if set, user can check the # performance using prometheus monitorPort: 1236 # 'kv' or 'inference' default: kv serviceType: kv, inference # default: false, if need to load initial data to redis, set true loadInitialData: true # default: "" redisKeyPrefix: 2tower_ # default: 0, item slot type on redis cluster. 0 means slot number use the default value 16384, 1 means all keys save to same slot, 2 means use the last character of id as hash tag. redisClusterItemSlotType: 2 # default: null, if loadInitialData=true, initialDataPath must be provided. Only support parquet # file initialUserDataPath: /home/yina/Documents/data/recsys/preprocess_output/guoqiong/vec_feature_user.parquet # initialItemDataPath: # default: null, if loadInitialData=true and initialUserDataPath != null, userIDColumn and # userFeatureColumns must be provided #userIDColumn: user userIDColumn: enaging_user_id userFeatureColumns: user # default: null, if loadInitialData=true and initialItemDataPath != null, userIDColumn and # userFeatureColumns must be provided # itemIDColumn: # itemFeatureColumns: # default: null, user model path or item model path must be provided if serviceType # includes 'inference'. If serviceType=kv, usermodelPath, itemModelPath and modelParallelism will # be ignored userModelPath: /home/yina/Documents/model/recys2021/2tower/guoqiong/user-model # default: null, user model path or item model path must be provided if serviceType # contains 'inference'. If serviceType=kv, usermodelPath, itemModelPath and modelParallelism will # be ignored # itemModelPath: # default: 1, number of models used for inference # modelParallelism: ### Redis Configuration # default: localhost:6379 # redisUrl: # default: 256, JedisPoolMaxTotal # redisPoolMaxTotal: ``` #### Recall Service Config Config with example: 1. load initial item vector from vec_feature_item.parquet and item-model to build faiss index. ```yaml # Default: 8980, which port to create the server servicePort: 8084 # Default: null, open a port for prometheus monitoring tool, if set, user can check the # performance using prometheus monitorPort: 1238 # default: 128, the dimensionality of the embedding vectors indexDim: 50 # default: false, if load saved index, set true # loadSavedIndex: true # default: false, if true, the built index will be saved to indexPath. Ignored when # loadSavedIndex=true saveBuiltIndex: true # default: null, path to saved index path, must be provided if loadSavedIndex=true indexPath: ./2tower_item_full.idx # default: false getFeatureFromFeatureService: true # default: localhost:8980, feature service target featureServiceURL: localhost:8085 itemIDColumn: tweet_id itemFeatureColumns: item # default: null, user model path must be provided if getFeatureFromFeatureService=false # userModelPath: # default: null, item model path must be provided if loadSavedIndex=false and initialDataPath is # not orca predict result itemModelPath: /home/yina/Documents/model/recys2021/2tower/guoqiong/item-model # default: null, Only support parquet file initialDataPath: /home/yina/Documents/data/recsys/preprocess_output/guoqiong/vec_feature_item.parquet # default: 1, number of models used in inference service modelParallelism: 1 ``` 2. load existing faiss index ```yaml # Default: 8980, which port to create the server servicePort: 8084 # Default: null, open a port for prometheus monitoring tool, if set, user can check the # performance using prometheus monitorPort: 1238 # default: 128, the dimensionality of the embedding vectors # indexDim: # default: false, if load saved index, set true loadSavedIndex: true # default: null, path to saved index path, must be provided if loadSavedIndex=true indexPath: ./2tower_item_full.idx # default: false getFeatureFromFeatureService: true # default: localhost:8980, feature service target featureServiceURL: localhost:8085 # itemIDColumn: # itemFeatureColumns: # default: null, user model path must be provided if getFeatureFromFeatureService=false # userModelPath: # default: null, item model path must be provided if loadSavedIndex=false and initialDataPath is # not orca predict result # itemModelPath: # default: null, Only support parquet file # initialDataPath: # default: 1, number of models used in inference service # modelParallelism: ``` #### Recommender Service Config Config with example: ```yaml Default: 8980, which port to create the server servicePort: 8980 # Default: null, open a port for prometheus monitoring tool, if set, user can check the # performance using prometheus monitorPort: 1237 # default: null, must be provided, item column name itemIDColumn: tweet_id # default: null, must be provided, column names for inference, order related. inferenceColumns: present_media_language, present_media, tweet_type, language, hashtags, present_links, present_domains, tweet_id_engaged_with_user_id, engaged_with_user_follower_count, engaged_with_user_following_count, enaging_user_follower_count, enaging_user_following_count, len_hashtags, len_domains, len_links # default: 0, if set, ranking service request will be divided inferenceBatch: 0 # default: localhost:8980, recall service target recallServiceURL: localhost:8084 # default: localhost:8980, feature service target featureServiceURL: localhost:8082 # default: localhost:8980, inference service target rankingServiceURL: localhost:8083 ``` ### Run Java Client #### Generate proto java files You should init a maven project and use proto files in [friesian gRPC project](https://github.com/analytics-zoo/friesian/tree/recsys-grpc/src/main/proto) Make sure to add the following extensions and plugins in your pom.xml, and replace *protocExecutable* with your own protoc executable. ```xml kr.motd.maven os-maven-plugin 1.6.2 org.apache.maven.plugins maven-compiler-plugin 3.8.0 8 8 org.xolstice.maven.plugins protobuf-maven-plugin 0.6.1 com.google.protobuf:protoc:3.12.0:exe:${os.detected.classifier} grpc-java io.grpc:protoc-gen-grpc-java:1.37.0:exe:${os.detected.classifier} /home/yina/Documents/protoc/bin/protoc compile compile-custom ``` Then you can generate the gRPC files with ```bash mvn clean install ``` #### Call recommend service function using blocking stub You can check the [Recommend service client example](https://github.com/analytics-zoo/friesian/blob/recsys-grpc/src/main/java/grpc/recommend/RecommendClient.java) on Github ```java import com.intel.analytics.bigdl.friesian.serving.grpc.generated.recommender.RecommenderGrpc; import com.intel.analytics.bigdl.friesian.serving.grpc.generated.recommender.RecommenderProto.*; public class RecommendClient { public static void main(String[] args) { // Create a channel ManagedChannel channel = ManagedChannelBuilder.forTarget(targetURL).usePlaintext().build(); // Init a recommend service blocking stub RecommenderGrpc.RecommenderBlockingStub blockingStub = RecommenderGrpc.newBlockingStub(channel); // Construct a request int[] userIds = new int[]{1}; int candidateNum = 50; int recommendNum = 10; RecommendRequest.Builder request = RecommendRequest.newBuilder(); for (int id : userIds) { request.addID(id); } request.setCandidateNum(candidateNum); request.setRecommendNum(recommendNum); RecommendIDProbs recommendIDProbs = null; try { recommendIDProbs = blockingStub.getRecommendIDs(request.build()); logger.info(recommendIDProbs.getIDProbListList()); } catch (StatusRuntimeException e) { logger.warn("RPC failed: " + e.getStatus().toString()); } } } ``` ### Run Python Client Install the python packages listed below (you may encounter [pyspark error](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58700384/how-to-fix-typeerror-an-integer-is-required-got-type-bytes-error-when-tryin) if you have python>=3.8 installed, try to downgrade to python<=3.7 and try again). ```bash pip install jupyter notebook==6.1.4 grpcio grpcio-tools pandas fastparquet pyarrow ``` After you activate your server successfully, you can #### Generate proto python files Generate the files with ```bash python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I../../protos --python_out= --grpc_python_out= /src/main/proto/*.proto ``` #### Call recommend service function using blocking stub You can check the [Recommend service client example](https://github.com/analytics-zoo/friesian/blob/recsys-grpc/Serving/WideDeep/recommend_client.ipynb) on Github ```python # create a channel channel = grpc.insecure_channel('localhost:8980') # create a recommend service stub stub = recommender_pb2_grpc.RecommenderStub(channel) request = recommender_pb2.RecommendRequest(recommendNum=10, candidateNum=50, ID=[36407]) results = stub.getRecommendIDs(request) print(results.IDProbList) ``` ### Scale-out for Big Data #### Redis Cluster For large data set, Redis standalone has no enough memory to store whole data set, data sharding and Redis cluster are supported to handle it. You only need to set up a Redis Cluster to get it work. First, start N Redis instance on N machines. ``` redis-server --cluster-enabled yes --cluster-config-file nodes-0.conf --cluster-node-timeout 50000 --appendonly no --save "" --logfile 0.log --daemonize yes --protected-mode no --port 6379 ``` on each machine, choose a different port and start another M instances(M>=1), as the slave nodes of above N instances. Then, call initialization command on one machine, if you choose M=1 above, use `--cluster-replicas 1` ``` redis-cli --cluster create --cluster-replicas 1 ``` and the Redis cluster would be ready. #### Scale Service with Envoy Each of the services could be scaled out. It is recommended to use the same resource, e.g. single machine with same CPU and memory, to test which service is bottleneck. From empirical observations, vector search and inference usually be. ##### How to run envoy: 1. [download](https://www.envoyproxy.io/docs/envoy/latest/start/install) and deploy envoy(below use docker as example): * download: `docker pull envoyproxy/envoy-dev:21df5e8676a0f705709f0b3ed90fc2dbbd63cfc5` 2. run command: `docker run --rm -it -p 9082:9082 -p 9090:9090 envoyproxy/envoy-dev:79ade4aebd02cf15bd934d6d58e90aa03ef6909e --config-yaml "$(cat path/to/service-specific-envoy.yaml)" --parent-shutdown-time-s 1000000` 3. validate: run `netstat -tnlp` to see if the envoy process is listening to the corresponding port in the envoy config file. 4. For details on envoy and sample procedure, read [envoy](envoy.md).