# Chronos Known Issue ## Version Compatibility Issues ### Numpy.ndarray size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility. Expected 88 from C header, got 80 from PyObject **Problem description** It seems to be a numpy compatibility issue, we do not recommend to solve it by downgrading Numpy to 1.19.x, when no other issues exist, the solution is given below. **Solution** * `pip install -y pycocotools` * `pip install pycocotools --no-cache-dir --no-binary :all:` * `conda install –c conda-forge pycocotools` --------------------------- ### Cannot convert a symbolic Tensor (encoder_lstm_8/strided_slice:0) to a numpy array **Problem description** This is a compatibility issue caused by Tensorflow and Numpy 1.20.x **Solution** * `pip install numpy==1.19.5` --------------------------- ### StanModel object has no attribute 'fit_class' **Problem description** We recommend reinstalling prophet using conda or miniconda. **Solution** * `pip uninstall pystan prophet –y` * `conda install –c conda-forge prophet=1.0.1` --------------------------- ## Dependency Issues ### RuntimeError: No active RayContext **Problem description** Exception: No active RayContext. Please call init_orca_context to create a RayContext. > ray_ctx = RayContext.get()
> ray_ctx = RayContext.get(initialize=False) **Solution** * Make sure all operations are before `stop_orca_context`. * No other `RayContext` exists before `init_orca_context`. --------------------------- ### error while loading shared libraries: libunwind.so.8: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory. **Problem description** A dependency is missing from your environment, only happens when you run `source bigdl-nano-init`. **Solution** * `apt-get install libunwind8-dev` ---------------------------