# Anomaly Detection Anomaly Detection detects abnormal samples in a given time series. _Chronos_ provides a set of unsupervised anomaly detectors. View some examples notebooks for [Datacenter AIOps][AIOps]. ## 1. ThresholdDetector ThresholdDetector detects anomaly based on threshold. It can be used to detect anomaly on a given time series ([notebook][AIOps_anomaly_detect_unsupervised]), or used together with [Forecasters](#forecasting) to detect anomaly on new coming samples ([notebook][AIOps_anomaly_detect_unsupervised_forecast_based]). View [ThresholdDetector API Doc](../../PythonAPI/Chronos/anomaly_detectors.html#chronos-model-anomaly-th-detector) for more details. ## 2. AEDetector AEDetector detects anomaly based on the reconstruction error of an autoencoder network. View anomaly detection [notebook][AIOps_anomaly_detect_unsupervised] and [AEDetector API Doc](../../PythonAPI/Chronos/anomaly_detectors.html#chronos-model-anomaly-ae-detector) for more details. ## 3. DBScanDetector DBScanDetector uses DBSCAN clustering algortihm for anomaly detection. ```eval_rst .. note:: Users may install ``scikit-learn-intelex`` to accelerate this detector. Chronos will detect if ``scikit-learn-intelex`` is installed to decide if using it. More details please refer to: https://intel.github.io/scikit-learn-intelex/installation.html ``` View anomaly detection [notebook][AIOps_anomaly_detect_unsupervised] and [DBScanDetector API Doc](../../PythonAPI/Chronos/anomaly_detectors.html#chronos-model-anomaly-dbscan-detector) for more details. [AIOps]: [AIOps_anomaly_detect_unsupervised]: [AIOps_anomaly_detect_unsupervised_forecast_based]: