# Install Chronos on Windows There are 2 ways to install Chronos on Windows: install using WSL2 and install on native Windows. With WSL2, all the features of Chronos are available, while on native Windows, there are some limitations now. ## Install using WSL2 ### Step 1: Install WSL2 Follow [BigDL Windows User guide](../../UserGuide/win.md) to install WSL2. ### Step 2: Install Chronos Follow the [Chronos Installation guide](../Overview/chronos.md#install) to install Chronos. ## Install on native Windows ### Step1: Install conda We recommend using conda to manage the Chronos python environment, for more information on install conda on Windows, you can refer to [here](https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html#). When conda is successfully installed, open the Anaconda Powershell Prompt, then you can create a conda environment using the following command: ``` # create a conda environment for chronos conda create -n my_env python=3.7 setuptools=58.0.4 # you could change my_env to any name you want ``` ### Step2: Install Chronos from PyPI You can simply install Chronos from PyPI using the following command: ``` # activate your conda environment conda activate my_env # install Chronos nightly build version (2.1.0 stable release is not supported on native Windows) pip install --pre --upgrade bigdl-chronos[pytorch] ``` You can use the [install panel](https://bigdl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/doc/Chronos/Overview/install.html#install-using-conda) to select the proper install options based on your need, but there are some limitations now: - `bigdl-chronos[distributed]` is not supported. - `intel_extension_for_pytorch (ipex)` is unavailable for Windows now, so the related feature is not supported. ### Known Issues on Native Windows #### Fail to Install Neural-compressor via pip **Problem description** Installing neural-compressor via pip may stuck when installing pycocotools. **Solution** Install pycocotools using conda: `conda install pycocotools -c esri` Then neural-compressor can be successfully installed using pip, we recommend installing neural-compressor 1.13.1 or higher: `pip install neural-compressor==1.13.1` #### RuntimeError during Quantization **Problem description** Calling `forecaster.quantize()` without specifying the `metric` parameter (e.g. `forecaster.quantize(train_data)`) will raise runtime error, it may happen when neural-compressor version is lower than `1.13.1` > [ERROR] Unexpected exception AssertionError('please use start() before end()') happened during tuning. > > RuntimeError: Found no quantized model satisfying accuracy criterion. **Solution** Upgrade neural-compressor to 1.13.1 or higher. `pip install neural-compressor==1.13.1` #### RuntimeError during forecaster.fit **Problem description** `ProphetForecaster.fit` and `ProphetModel.fit_eval` may raise runtime error on native Windows. > RuntimeError: Error during optimization! > > [ERROR] Chain [1] error: terminated by signal 3221225657 According to our test, this issue only arises on some test machines or environments, you could check it by running `ProphetForecaster.fit` and `ProphetModel.fit_eval` on your own machines or environments. There is a similar [issue](https://github.com/facebook/prophet/issues/2227) in prophet repo, we will stay tuned for its progress.