# Use Chronos benchmark tool This page demonstrates how to use Chronos benchmark tool to benchmark forecasting performance on platforms. ## Basic Usage The benchmark tool is installed automatically when `bigdl-chronos` is installed. To get information about performance (currently for forecasting only) on the your own machine. Run benchmark tool with default options using following command: ```bash benchmark-chronos -l 96 -o 720 ``` ```eval_rst .. note:: **Required Options**: ``-l/--lookback`` and ``-o/--horizon`` are required options for Chronos benchmark tool. Use ``-l/--lookback`` to specify the history time steps while use ``-o/--horizon`` to specify the output time steps. For more details, please refer to `here `_. ``` By default, the tool will load `tsinghua_electricity` dataset and train a `TCNForecaster` with input lookback and horizon parameters under `PyTorch` framework. As it loads, it prints information about hardware, environment variables and benchmark parameters. When benchmarking is completed, it reports the average throughput during training process. Users may be able to improve forecasting performance by following suggested changes on Nano environment variables. Besides the default usage, more execution parameters can be set to obtain more benchmark results. Read on to learn more about the configuration options available in Chronos benchmark tool. ## Configuration Options The benchmark tool provides various options for configuring execution parameters. Some key configuration options are introduced in this part and a list of all options is given in [**Advanced Options**](#advanced-options). ### Model The tool provides several built-in time series forecasting models, including TCN, LSTM, Seq2Seq, NBeats and Autoformer. To specify which model to use, run benchmark tool with `-m/--model`. If not specified, TCN is used as the default. ```bash benchmark-chronos -m lstm -l 96 -o 720 ``` ### Stage Regarding a model, training and inference stages are most concerned. By setting `-s/--stage` parameter, users can obtain knowledge of throughput during training (`-s train`), accuracy after training(`-s accuracy`). throughput during inference (`-s throughput`) and latency of inference (`-s latency`). If not specified, train is used as the default. ```bash benchmark-chronos -s latency -l 96 -o 720 ``` ```eval_rst .. note:: **More About Accuracy Results**: After setting ``-s accuracy``, the tool will load dataset and split it to train, validation and test set with ratio of 7:1:2. Then validation loss is monitored during training epoches and checkpoint of the epoch with smallest loss is loaded after training. With the trained forecaster, obtain evaluation results corresponding to ``--metrics``. ``` ### Dataset Several built-in datasets can be chosen, including nyc_taxi and tsinghua_electricity. If users are with poor Internet connection and hard to download dataset, run benchmark tool with `-d synthetic_dataset` to use synthetic dataset. Default to be tsinghua_electricity if `-d/--dataset` parameter is not specified. ```bash benchmark-chronos -d nyc_taxi -l 96 -o 720 ``` ```eval_rst .. note:: **Download tsinghua_electricity Dataset**: The tsinghua_electricity dataset does not support automatic downloading. Users can download manually from `here `_ to path "~/.chronos/dataset/". ``` ### Framework Pytorch and tensorflow are both supported and can be specified by setting `-f torch` or `-f tensorflow`. And the default framework is pytorch. ```bash benchmark-chronos -f tensorflow -l 96 -o 720 ``` ```eval_rst .. note:: NBeats and Autoformer does not support tensorflow backend now. ``` ### Core number By default, the benchmark tool will run on all physical cores. And users can explicitly specify the number of cores through `-c/--cores` parameter. ```bash benchmark-chronos -c 4 -l 96 -o 720 ``` ### Lookback Forecasting aims at predicting the future by using the knowledge from the history. The required option `-l/--lookback`corresponds to the length of historical data along time. ```bash benchmark-chronos -l 96 -o 720 ``` ### Horizon Forecasting aims at predicting the future by using the knowledge from the history. The required option `-o/--horizon`corresponds to the length of predicted data along time. ```bash benchmark-chronos -l 96 -o 720 ``` ## Advanced Options When `-s/--stage accuracy` is set, users can further specify evaluation metrics through `--metrics` which default to be mse and mae. ```bash benchmark-chronos --stage accuracy --metrics mse rmse -l 96 -o 720 ``` To improve model accuracy, the tool provides with normalization trick to alleviate distribution shift. Once enable `--normalization`, normalization trick will be applied to forecaster. ```bash benchmark-chronos --stage accuracy --normalization -l 96 -o 720 ``` ```eval_rst .. note:: Only TCNForecaster supports normalization trick now. ``` Besides, number of processes and epoches can be set by `--training_processes` and `--training_epochs`. Users can also tune batchsize during training and inference through `--training_batchsize` and `--inference_batchsize` respectively. ```bash benchmark-chronos --training_processes 2 --training_epochs 3 --training_batchsize 32 --inference_batchsize 128 -l 96 -o 720 ``` To speed up inference, accelerators like ONNXRuntime and OpenVINO are usually used. To benchmark inference performance with or without accelerator, run tool with `--inference_framework` to specify without accelerator (`--inference_framework torch`)or with ONNXRuntime (`--inference_framework onnx`) or with OpenVINO (`--inference_framework openvino`) or with jit (`--inference_framework jit`). ```bash benchmark-chronos --inference_framework onnx -l 96 -o 720 ``` When benchmark tool is run with `--ipex` enabled, intel-extension-for-pytorch will be used as accelerator for trainer. If want to use quantized model to predict, just run the benchmark tool with `--quantize` enabled and the quantize framework can be specified by `--quantize_type`. The parameter`--quantize_type` need to be set as pytorch_ipex when users want to use pytorch_ipex as quantize type. Otherwise, the defaut quantize type will be selected according to `--inference_framework`. If pytorch is the inference framework, then pytorch_fx will be the default. If users choose ONNXRuntime as inference framework, onnxrt_qlinearops will be quantize type. And if OpenVINO is chosen, the openvino quantize type will be selected. ```bash benchmark-chronos --ipex --quantize --quantize_type pytorch_ipex -l 96 -o 720 ``` Moreover, if want to benchmark inference performance of a trained model, run benchmark tool with `--ckpt` to specify the checkpoint path of model. By default, the model for inference will be trained first according to input parameters. Running the benchmark tool with `-h/--help` yields the following usage message, which contains all configuration options: ```bash benchmark-chronos -h ``` ```eval_rst .. code-block:: python usage: benchmark-chronos [-h] [-m] [-s] [-d] [-f] [-c] -l lookback -o horizon [--training_processes] [--training_batchsize] [--training_epochs] [--inference_batchsize] [--quantize] [--inference_framework [...]] [--ipex] [--quantize_type] [--ckpt] [--metrics [...]] [--normalization] Benchmarking Parameters optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -m, --model model name, choose from tcn/lstm/seq2seq/nbeats/autoformer, default to "tcn". -s, --stage stage name, choose from train/latency/throughput/accuracy, default to "train". -d, --dataset dataset name, choose from nyc_taxi/tsinghua_electricity/synthetic_dataset, default to "tsinghua_electricity". -f, --framework framework name, choose from torch/tensorflow, default to "torch". -c, --cores core number, default to all physical cores. -l lookback, --lookback lookback required, the history time steps (i.e. lookback). -o horizon, --horizon horizon required, the output time steps (i.e. horizon). --training_processes number of processes when training, default to 1. --training_batchsize batch size when training, default to 32. --training_epochs number of epochs when training, default to 1. --inference_batchsize batch size when infering, default to 1. --quantize if use the quantized model to predict, default to False. --inference_framework [ ...] predict without/with accelerator, choose from torch/onnx/openvino/jit, default to "torch" (i.e. predict without accelerator). --ipex if use ipex as accelerator for trainer, default to False. --quantize_type quantize framework, choose from pytorch_fx/pytorch_ipex/onnxrt_qlinearops/openvino, default to "pytorch_fx". --ckpt checkpoint path of a trained model, e.g. "checkpoints/tcn", default to "checkpoints/tcn". --metrics [ ...] evaluation metrics of a trained model, e.g. "mse"/"mae", default to "mse, mae". --normalization if to use normalization trick to alleviate distribution shift. ```